March 24th is National Cocktail Day! 🍸🍹

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Weekend Wardrobe: Outfit of the Week #11

Croft and Barrow Women's Floral Long Sleeve Tee
(no longer available)

I am determined to think spring now, even though our weather here in New Mexico does not always cooperate!  Fortunately, on my weekly trip into town for essentials shopping, it was warm enough to wear a pretty new floral long sleeve tee I found last month at Kohl's. I did still need to wear a warm jacket, but I finally decided to get out of my rut of wearing the same black shoes and coat and switched to lighter colors.  I also wore a relatively new necklace that I bought in New Mexico a few years ago but have only worn once before.

I am determined to wear more of my necklaces as the temperatures slowly warm up.  I still believe that it is the little pleasures that will get us through this trying time, and wearing my rarely worn jewelry qualifies as one of these small delights. Here is my complete outfit of the week:

Clockwise from top left: American Pearl Mocha Keshi Baroque Choker (similar to my much less expensive necklace); L.L. Bean Fleece-Lined Warm-Up Jacket in Moss Khaki (color modified to resemble mine; sadly, this jacket is no longer available in women's sizes); Great American Leatherworks Leather East/West Crossbody Bag in Dark Tan (no longer available); Target Women's A New Day Crew Socks in Cream; Dockers Vargas Boat Shoes in Rust (similar to mine); L.L. Bean Women's Performance Stretch Slim Jeans in Black Plum (similar to mine); H&M Leather Belt in Dark Brown.


Stay safe, everyone, and try to stay optimistic - we will get through this pandemic even if it takes a while, so enjoy the small pleasures in life while we all try to shelter in place.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

This 'n That Thursdays: 2020 Picks of the Year

From Pantone

I am attempting to stick with uplifting topics in my Thursday posts, so today's topic is 2020 picks of the year.  Let's start with Pantone's 2020 Color of the Year, Classic Blue, which they describe as "a shade reminiscent of the sky at dusk".  Also eerily prescient is the reason given for the choice of this color:
"[The Pantone Color Institute] settled on a shade that offers the reassurance, confidence and connection that people may be searching for in an uncertain global milieu."
I am not sure that blue is a color I would choose for reassurance, but I am one of the minority who are not especially fond of this hue, so here's hoping that the folks at Pantone are right and that most of us will be comforted by this soothing shade (I did choose blue as my blog's new main background color, so it must at least be easy on the eyes)!

From Firmenich

Next up is the Firmenich 2020 Flavor of the Year, which is Classic Blueberry - what a perfect complement to the 2020 Color of the Year!  According to the company president, "What's classic is new again", and the blueberry's longstanding association with well-being makes it increasingly popular with consumers.  Here are the Firmenich president's further remarks:
“With blueberry we celebrate a flavor that is timeless and enduring, but also increasingly relevant. Blueberry has been a beloved flavor for centuries in many markets and today, with our increasing focus on health and wellness, blueberries are being rediscovered and growing to be one of the most relevant flavors in many categories.”
For most of my life I have not been especially fond of blueberries, but in recent years I have come to appreciate them more.  In fact, I think they have replaced strawberries as my favorite berry now!  It is not a bad idea for all of us to eat more of these antioxidant-rich little round fruits.

From Fine Art America

Surprisingly, the International Herb Association 2020 Herb of the Year is NOT the blueberry, but it is pretty close.  The choice for 2020 is the genus Rubus, which includes blackberries and raspberries. With proper care, including the right planting site and regular pruning, bramble fruits (as they are also known), are a tasty addition to any garden.  Here is the description from the International Herb Association:
"Prized for its abundant sweet fruit, healing roots and leaves, and gorgeous ornamental flowers, Rubus appeals year round in gardens, fields, and hedgerows. Fresh or frozen, brambleberries add flavor and fiber to any meal, from oatmeal to salads to fish and fowl as well as desserts and beverages. Rubus teas nourish and tonify while the seeds are used in skin care products. The arched canes provide shelter to a number of birds and animals. It is hard to overestimate the pleasure, nourishment, medicinal and culinary delights offered by this juicy genus!"
This book full of information about Rubus species is
available for purchase from the International Herb Association

When I was a child, wild blackberries and raspberries were abundant in the western Pennsylvania area where I grew up.  Back then, however, enthusiasm for harvesting the berries waned once my siblings and I realized that bramble scratches in the humid heat of August were not worth the effort for fruit that was invariably sour and full of seeds that got stuck in our teeth!  Until recently I was not a fan of raspberries and especially blackberries, but just last month I found the sweetest and most delicious blackberries at a local grocery store.  I am now on a mission to find them again (although subsequent purchases have only reinforced the mouth-puckering sourness I remember from my childhood).  Maybe I need to be growing my own if I can find a variety that is reliably sweet!

My final top pick of the year find is the American Birding Association 2020 Bird of the Year, which is the Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum).  Cedar Waxwings are medium-sized birds with a lovely color pattern - pale brown shading to grey above, a pale yellow belly, bright yellow tail tip, black-masked crested head, and the characteristic waxy red tips on the wings.  These social birds gather in large flocks and forage for berries together, especially in the fall and winter.  In the United States they are found year-round mostly in the northern states, but can be found nationwide as they migrate south for the winter.  I especially like this lovely description of the bird's behavior from the American Birding Association:
"Famously gregarious, Cedar Waxwings are all about community. They share berries, they congregate at fruiting trees, they even occasionally over-imbibe."
Although most of us are currently discouraged from congregating in large groups, once life gets back to normal we can all hopefully emulate the current bird of the year and get back to our own community life!  I remember seeing flocks of these lovely and active birds in Colorado, but have yet to see any here in New Mexico.  I do hope they at least pass through our area, because they are one of my favorites!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wish List Wednesdays: Coldwater Creek Natural Inspirations Printed Tee

We are now on lockdown here in New Mexico until April 10th, so I have been focusing on summer plans, optimistically hoping that life will be a lot more normal by then.  I have been looking for interesting apparel that can be worn during much warmer weather than we are currently experiencing, and the Natural Inspirations Printed Tee (currently on sale for $24.95) from Coldwater Creek fits the bill in that regard.  I actually was first attracted to these lovely nature print tops when they made their debut last year.  The fact that they are on sale convinced me that now was the time to make my purchase, so I ordered both the thyme dragonfly and the canyon rose turtle print options (the river blue bee print is also nice but I am not as attracted to bees or the color blue).  Here's hoping that summer will bring both lovely warm days and less threat of COVID-19 infections!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Weekend Wardrobe: 2020 Outfit of the Week #10

My shopping trip was not quite this much fun!
(from schuh)

As promised, here is my second wardrobe post for this weekend.  My most recent weekly trip into town happened to be on St. Patrick's Day, so of course I had to honor the occasion with the wearing of the green!  It was another relatively warm day, so once again I did not need a sweater layer (spring really is on the way, even though we had another cool spell for the last few days).  I also wore the Celtic symbol necklace I bought in Ireland mentioned in a previous post.  Below is my complete St. Patrick's Day outfit:

Clockwise from top left: Biddy Murphy Sterling Silver Necklace (similar to mine); L.L. Bean Women's Primaloft Packaway Jacket in Black; MediPEDS Crew Socks in Black; Dr. Scholl's Women's Wide Width Marci Gel-Pac Zippered Loafers in Black (no longer available); Land's End Women's High Rise Compression Straight Leg Colorful Jeans in Dark Olive Green (similar to mine); H&M Leather Belt in Black/Silver (similar to mine); Port & Company Women's Classic Silhouette T-Shirt in Lime Green (color modified to match my similar shirt).


Even though I am not Irish, I did have Irish soda bread and Irish Breakfast tea to start St. Patrick's Day in addition to wearing green - any excuse for a celebration, right?  At the moment I must celebrate alone since my husband is on lockdown in Georgia while I hunker down here in New Mexico - thank goodness for phones and the internet!  All we can do is make the best of our current situation, so I will be turning my thoughts to spring, Passover, Easter, warmer weather, and an attempt at gardening in a desert climate - the last could be a challenge, but I certainly have the time right now to take it on!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Weekend Wardrobe: 2020 Outfit of the Week #9

Talbots 3/4-Sleeve Bateau Neck Rose of Sharon Print Tee in Pink
(no longer available)

Once again I have gotten behind on my wardrobe posts, but the good news is that I intend to post two this weekend to make up for my tardiness.  Today's post is an outfit, inspired by the image above, that I wore two weeks ago when our unpredictable weather warmed up to springlike temperatures.  It was the first time in months I was able to wear a top without a sweater layered over it.  I did still need to add a lightweight winter coat, but at least I was able to unzip it by mid-afternoon!  Here is the entire outfit:

Clockwise from top left: Talbots 3/4-Sleeve Bateau Neck Rose of Sharon Print Tee in Pink (no longer available);  L.L. Bean Women's Primaloft Packaway Jacket in Black; No Nonsense Women's Flat Knit Crew Socks in Denim Blue; Dr. Scholl's Women's Wide Width Marci Gel-Pac Zippered Loafers in Black (no longer available); L.L. Bean Relaxed Fit Double L Jeans in Stonewashed (similar to mine); Land's End Women's Skinny Leather Belt in White (similar to mine).


Like just about everyone else, I am doing my best to shelter in place as we all try to ameliorate the impact of COVID-19 by flattening the curve.  I am only going into town once a week for essentials, but I will do my best to choose fun outfits for those weekly trips so that I can still post them here.  Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay home as much as possible, everyone!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Foodie Fridays: Seoul Food Korean Turkey Meatloaf

When I saw the Seoul Food (Korean Meatloaf) recipe on the Olla-Podrida blog, I just had to give it a try.  I did make a few changes, the biggest one being the substitution of ground turkey for ground beef, since I am allergic to red meat.  I also used grated daikon radish instead of carrot.  My mother was Korean, and while I do not remember her ever using carrots as an ingredient in Korean dishes she did like radishes.  I had no barbecue sauce, but I did have catsup which is, oddly, used in Korean cooking, specifically as an ingredient in a Korean rice omelet.  I substituted more sweet chili sauce for the honey in the meatloaf topping because I love this chili sauce!  Like most meatloaves, this one is even better the next day, especially in a meatloaf sandwich.  Meatloaf is a great recipe to make when you are sheltering at home, so do give this one a try.

Seoul Food Korean Turkey Meatloaf

2 lbs. ground turkey
1 T. toasted sesame seeds
3/4 C. Panko breadcrumbs
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1 bunch green onions, thinly sliced
8 oz. chunk daikon radish, peeled and grated
3 cloves garlic, minced
3 T. soy sauce
1 T. sweet chili sauce
1/4 tsp. ginger
2/3 C. catsup
2 T. sweet chili sauce
4 tsp. rice vinegar

In a large bowl, mix together the first ten ingredients.  Press into a lightly greased 9x5-inch loaf pan.

In a small bowl, whisk together the remaining three ingredients.  Pour one-quarter of the sauce over the meatloaf, reserving the remaining sauce.

Bake at 350 degrees for one hour.  Pour one-third of the remaining sauce over the meatloaf and bake for about 15 minutes longer, to an internal temperature of 165 degrees.  Remove from the oven and let stand for about five minutes before serving with the rest of the sauce.  Serves 8.

Note: Leftover meatloaf makes a fantastic open-face meatloaf sandwich (spread the bread with catsup or any remaining sauce).

Thursday, March 19, 2020

This 'n That Thursdays: Easy Ways to Add a Touch of Spring to Your Home

From Pinterest

Happy first day of spring!  In these trying times, I believe it is the little things we do that can help us keep our spirits up.  Now is the time to bring a lighter touch to our home décor, and even the smallest changes will help lift our moods.  So why not switch out your outdoor mat for the one shown below that welcomes the new season with pretty blossoms and a happy message?

Grandin Road Hello Spring Floral Door Mat

And speaking of blossoms, this tulip wreath will bring delicate spring color to any door or wall (if you prefer a brighter option, check out the yellow tulip wreath here).

The Home Depot Pink and White Tulip Wreath

Switch out your sofa pillows for ones with a floral design in soft hues, like the one below, to lighten up the color scheme in your living room.

World Market Oversized Neutral Floral Linen Villa Callie Throw Pillow

Bring spring into your home with lovely table linens, like the Fairytale collection from Williams Sonoma which features cheerful flowers and butterflies.

Williams Sonoma Fairytale Table Linens

This sweet sake set adorned with cherry blossoms is too pretty not to display, even if you never drink sake!

Smithsonian Store Sakura Sake Set

Easter is just around the corner, and most Easter décor will work for the entire spring season.  These Pottery Barn ceramic bunny baskets are a perfect case in point.

Pottery Barn Bunny Basket Serveware Collection

If you are feeling super indulgent, why not splurge on a new area rug?  The one featured below has a neutral charcoal background with pretty pastel green and pink birds - just enough of a seasonal touch, but it would also work year-round.

CB2 Lyra Tufted Rug

For the ultimate spring splurge, check out this elegant flatware set in its own egg-shaped storage case.  It may cost almost $1,500, but it is so beautiful!

Gump's Christofle Mood 24-Piece Flatware Set


Don't let our current situation get you down - it is now officially spring and time to let yourself revel in the fact!

Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers!


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wish List Wednesdays: Tugboat Bar Tool Set from Pottery Barn

I am not much of a mixologist, but I think the Tugboat Bar Tool Set ($149) from Pottery Barn has to be one of the cleverest and cutest ideas I have seen in a while.  Everything you need to mix up a fancy cocktail is loaded onto this elegantly sophisticated aluminum and wood tugboat (bottle opener, coasters, strainer, stirrer, shaker, and jigger).  Even someone like me who rarely drinks alcohol would be pleased to own this lovely bar tool set, if only to have it available for guests to use.  And wouldn't this be the perfect gift for a loved one who does enjoy mixing drinks!

Friday, March 13, 2020

Foodie Fridays: Sheet Pan Shrimp Scampi with Orzo

This recipe for Sheet Pan Shrimp Scampi is just delicious, and so easy to make!  I think I prefer this preparation method to the traditional stovetop one (see my version here), mainly because the use of orzo rather than linguine makes this the perfect comfort food that can be eaten with a spoon rather than a fork!  The changes I made to this recipe were minimal - I left out the thin-sliced lemon rounds because I only had one lemon, and I substituted small shrimp for medium-sized ones because they were easier to find at the local Walmart and were tail-free (making them easier to eat with a spoon as well!).

I decreased the amount of orzo, mostly because it was what I had left in my pantry but also because I like to reduce the carbs in any recipe whenever possible.  The last change I made was to greatly increase the amount of parsley.  I stirred it into the dish rather than just sprinkling it on top, which added more color and flavor.  I cannot praise this recipe enough, it was so good.  In fact, I have already bought the ingredients to make it again!

Sheet Pan Shrimp Scampi with Orzo

1 1/3 C. orzo pasta
1 1/2 C. water
1/3 C. white wine, plus 1 tablespoon
4 T. cubed unsalted butter, divided
1 1/2 lbs. small shrimp, peeled, de-veined, tail off (60-80/lb.), thawed if frozen
6 garlic cloves, minced
2 T. olive oil
zest and juice of 1 lemon
1/4 C. grated Parmesan
1/2 C. minced parsley (3/4 oz. pkg.)
salt and pepper to taste

Place the orzo in a sheet pan or baking pan with the water, 1/3 C. white wine, and 2 T. cubed butter, plus salt and pepper to taste.  Bake at 450 degrees for 10-12 minutes until the pasta is al dente.

In a medium bowl, toss together the shrimp, garlic, olive oil, and 1 T. white wine, plus salt and pepper to taste.

Remove the sheet pan from the oven.  Stir the orzo, adding a bit of water if the pasta on the edges is dry.  Top with the shrimp mixture and the remaining 2 T. cubed butter.  Bake for another 6-8 minutes until the shrimp are cooked through.

Remove the sheet pan from the oven.  Toss the shrimp and orzo with the lemon zest and juice, Parmesan, and parsley.  Season to taste with more salt and pepper if needed.  Serves 4.

Note: Next time I may increase the amount of water to 1 2/3 C. to see if that will keep the pasta from drying out, although stirring in more water as suggested in the recipe worked just fine to rehydrate the edges.  (Or maybe I should increase the wine to 1/2 C.?)

Thursday, March 12, 2020

This 'n That Thursdays: Putting the FUN in FUNdraisers for Animal Shelters!

From Yahoo! News

When I saw this article about a hilarious way to raise money for the Wisconsin Humane Society, it made me laugh.  It also made me realize just how ingenious this idea is, and how well it could work for any animal shelter.  The staff and volunteers at the Wisconsin Humane Society decided to offer drawings of anyone's pet, created by an employee or volunteer, for a mere $15 donation, and the community responded enthusiastically.  $12,000 was raised for the shelter, and in return the donors received their local humane society's best artistic efforts.  These efforts range from hilarious to amazing, and I'm sure that everyone involved had a great time.  Check out more of these artistic endeavors by clicking on the Yahoo! News link.  And if your own local animal shelter is looking for way to raise money, why not suggest this fun idea?

From Yahoo! News

In related news, in an effort to get more rescue pets adopted, a pizza shop in Amherst, New York, decided to attach flyers of adoptable animals to all of its pizza boxes, with the additional incentive of a $50 gift certificate to anyone who adopted a shelter pet.  Their customers loved the idea, a puppy has already been adopted because of it, and business at the pizza shop has increased - a win/win situation for everyone.  Other pizza shops, even those in other states, are beginning to do the same with their own boxes.

From CNN

Don't you just love it when an idea that benefits a worthy cause becomes a great success?  This is your happy news for the day, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Wish List Wednesdays: Van Gogh Tiered Server from Signals

The Van Gogh Tiered Server (on sale for just $19.99, which is almost half-price!) from Signals would be a beautiful addition to any spring tablescape.  The bone china plates are printed with three Vincent Van Gogh floral art images: "Vase with Irises" (6.5-inch top plate); "Irises" (middle plate); and "Almond Blossoms" (10.5-inch bottom plate).  Even though I really do not need any more tableware, I have a feeling that I will not be able to resist placing an order soon for this unique and attractive server!

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Weekend Wardrobe: 2020 Outfit of the Week #8

Well, I meant to put this post up last weekend, but as usual life intervened and once again my dog Madison was involved.  The poor girl managed to get a one-inch long prickly pear spine deeply embedded at an angle behind her right carpal pad.  It was extremely painful for her and it took me two days to finally pull it out.  I had to give her pain medication left over from her recovery from the coyote bite, and the next morning she was comfortable enough to let me get a good grip on the spine with a pair of pliers and yank it out.  She is fine now, but of course I got behind on my weekend posts again!

This outfit was all about the accessories - I decided to wear two complementary pendant necklaces (shown at the top of the page) with my rather somber black tee and grey sweater combination to liven things up a bit.  I love the look of long pendant necklaces, but they can be rather annoying because they swing around and can get in the way if you lean forward.  This is a look I only wear when I know that I will not be doing anything too active.  The longer necklace I wore is actually a bolo tie given to me a while ago by my husband, who has a knack for finding unique and beautiful jewelry created by local artisans whenever he travels.  The one I own has a grey cotton cord and a ceramic pendant in the shape of a rearing Appaloosa horse - it is quite lovely but a one-of-a-kind piece, so I found a different horse-themed bolo tie to feature below.  I bought the silver pendant necklace years ago in Ireland.  It features a Celtic symbol on a thick silver chain - the one I found for today's post is similar but not identical.

Clockwise from top left: Coldwater Creek Wintertide Cabled Sweater in Mid Heather Grey (similar to mine); L.L. Bean Women's Primaloft Packaway Jacket in Black; Handmade Lucky Clover Encircled by a Celtic Knot Sterling Silver Necklace (similar to mine); MarryAcc Genuine Leather Horse Head Bolo Tie (similar to mine); Dr. Scholl's Women's Wide Width Marci Gel-Pac Zippered Loafers in Black (no longer available); Hollister Skinny Jeans in Olive Green (similar to mine, which are no longer available in this color); L.L. Bean Pima Cotton Long Sleeve Crewneck Tee in Black (similar to mine); Center: MediPEDS Crew Socks in Black.

This week life intervened yet again to disrupt more of my best laid plans - I decided to cancel my trip back to Georgia at the end of the month thanks to the coronavirus scare.  The University of Georgia, where my husband works, decided out of an abundance of caution that classes there would be online only for the rest of the semester, so I felt obliged to be equally cautious since I fall into the age group that the CDC is urging to stay at home if at all possible.  Besides, New Mexico has not yet had a diagnosed case of the virus, and I would hate to become the state's patient zero!

Stay safe and stay healthy everyone, and don't forget to set your clocks ahead because Daylight Saving Time starts today! 😢😩😞

Please stay safe, little Madison!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Foodie Fridays: Orecchiette, Chickpea, and Chicken Stew

Today's recipe is very loosely based on one I found for Brothy Pasta with Chickpeas as I leafed through an old Bon Appétit magazine in a local Jiffy Lube waiting room while my car got an oil change.  Instead of adding canned tomatoes, sautéed onion, and rosemary, I used a container of a red tomato-based salsa that was languishing in the fridge because it was too spicy for me.  In this stew, the spiciness was diluted enough for me to tolerate, and the salsa added a nice flavor kick to an otherwise rather bland list of ingredients.  I had some leftover rotisserie chicken breasts that I shredded and added as well, making this dish much heartier than the original recipe.  Since my version is a blend of Italian and Mexican ingredients, you could use either an Italian cheese or a Mexican cheese as a topping if you feel the need to add cheese (I did not).

As usual, my tendency to laziness led me to make an easy recipe even easier, and this stew came together very quickly and almost effortlessly.  It is also tasty and filling, and was just what I needed for these last few chilly days before a spring warm-up begins in our neck of the woods.  It is almost time to start thinking about lighter warm-weather recipes here in Santa Fe, but if you live in a colder climate this dish is a perfect comfort food!

Orecchiette, Chickpea, and Chicken Stew

1 T. olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 container (about 16 oz.) salsa (spicy if you like, mild if you don't)
1 can (15 oz.) chickpeas, rinsed and drained
8 oz. orecchiette pasta
2-3 C. shredded cooked chicken
sour cream and/or shredded or crumbled cheese for topping

Sauté the garlic in the olive oil over medium heat for one minute.  Stir in the salsa and chickpeas and cook, stirring occasionally, 6-8 minutes to thicken.  Add the pasta and 4 cups of water.  Increase the heat to medium-high and bring to a boil.  Reduce the heat to simmer and cook for about 15 minutes until the pasta is done.  Stir in the chicken and heat through.  Serve topped with sour cream and/or cheese, if desired.  Serves 4.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

This 'n That Thursdays: Spend a Special Night in Lucy the Elephant!

From Weird N.J.

If you plan to be in the New Jersey area on March 17th, 18th, or 19th and would like to find a unique place to spend the night, you may just get lucky and be one of the select few to book a stay in Lucy the Elephant.  Lucy the Elephant is a national historic landmark in Margate, New Jersey, the oldest roadside attraction in the United States and the largest elephant in the world (read about her fascinating history here and here)!  She has not been open to overnight guests in over 100 years and these bookings are a limited time opportunity, so if you are interested read on!


The Save Lucy Committee, a nonprofit dedicated to Lucy's upkeep, has partnered with AirBnB to provide one-night stays to three couples who are the first to book their reservations, which will become available at noon on March 5th (today!).  For only $138 (the number was chosen because it is Lucy's age this year), each couple will get to spend the night inside Lucy, specially furnished by AirBnb just for these rentals, with access to the entire structure, including her riding carriage rooftop.  They will also receive a guided tour with the mayor of Margate, dinner at a local restaurant, all-night access to Lucy's gift shop, and breakfast in their room before checking out the next morning.

From AirBnb


The goal of these special one-night stays is to kick off a major fund-raising event for Lucy's upkeep, as she is scheduled for a major renovation later in the spring.  Should you not end up not being one of the lucky few to schedule a stay, Lucy the Elephant is also open for tours.  If you are anywhere in the area, be sure to visit this one-of-a-kind public attraction, and/or consider making a donation to help preserve this historic attraction for future generations to enjoy!


Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Wish List Wednesdays: BEARPAW Men's Brady Wide NeverWet Classic Boots

Last week I went into town to run some rather mundane errands.  One of my stops was at Kohl's, as I had an Amazon return and this is one of their new (and very convenient) locations.  Every time you bring an Amazon return to Kohl's you receive a 25% shopping discount coupon, and since I had a little time I decided to shop around to see if I could find a good deal.  I really lucked out when I checked the shoe clearance section!  Tucked in among all of the women's shoes was one pair of BEARPAW Men's Brady Wide NeverWet Classic Boots in Hickory.  These boots normally sell for $89.99, but the clearance price combined with my discount reduced the amount I paid to a mere $27!

I originally thought I would get them for my husband, but I discovered to my delight that they fit me!  I have big feet so I can fit into some men's shoe sizes, and these boots are well padded with a sheepskin and wool lining, so even though they are a bit too long they do not slide around on my feet.  I have been wearing them around the house for days now, and they are so toasty warm and comfortable that I hate to take them off at night.  I could wear them outside as they are treated with a special NeverWet water and stain repellent, but I love them too much to subject them to the great outdoors just yet.  I like the look of these boots more than the rather similar UGG boots (available for a great price here), and for the amount I paid they were a much better deal than that more expensive brand.

There is a version of these boots available in women's sizes here, and some of the colors are on sale.  If there is a Kohl's in your area, you might want to check out their shoe sales, especially if you also have an Amazon return.  You could get lucky like I did and find a pair of these fantastic BEARPAW boots in the clearance aisle!

BEARPAW Women's Elle Short Boots in Fig (on sale for $59.49)