March 28th is National Weed Appreciation Day!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

This 'n That Thursdays: Easy Ways to Add a Touch of Spring to Your Home

From Pinterest

Happy first day of spring!  In these trying times, I believe it is the little things we do that can help us keep our spirits up.  Now is the time to bring a lighter touch to our home décor, and even the smallest changes will help lift our moods.  So why not switch out your outdoor mat for the one shown below that welcomes the new season with pretty blossoms and a happy message?

Grandin Road Hello Spring Floral Door Mat

And speaking of blossoms, this tulip wreath will bring delicate spring color to any door or wall (if you prefer a brighter option, check out the yellow tulip wreath here).

The Home Depot Pink and White Tulip Wreath

Switch out your sofa pillows for ones with a floral design in soft hues, like the one below, to lighten up the color scheme in your living room.

World Market Oversized Neutral Floral Linen Villa Callie Throw Pillow

Bring spring into your home with lovely table linens, like the Fairytale collection from Williams Sonoma which features cheerful flowers and butterflies.

Williams Sonoma Fairytale Table Linens

This sweet sake set adorned with cherry blossoms is too pretty not to display, even if you never drink sake!

Smithsonian Store Sakura Sake Set

Easter is just around the corner, and most Easter décor will work for the entire spring season.  These Pottery Barn ceramic bunny baskets are a perfect case in point.

Pottery Barn Bunny Basket Serveware Collection

If you are feeling super indulgent, why not splurge on a new area rug?  The one featured below has a neutral charcoal background with pretty pastel green and pink birds - just enough of a seasonal touch, but it would also work year-round.

CB2 Lyra Tufted Rug

For the ultimate spring splurge, check out this elegant flatware set in its own egg-shaped storage case.  It may cost almost $1,500, but it is so beautiful!

Gump's Christofle Mood 24-Piece Flatware Set


Don't let our current situation get you down - it is now officially spring and time to let yourself revel in the fact!

Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers!


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