March 28th is National Weed Appreciation Day!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

This 'n That Thursdays: Putting the FUN in FUNdraisers for Animal Shelters!

From Yahoo! News

When I saw this article about a hilarious way to raise money for the Wisconsin Humane Society, it made me laugh.  It also made me realize just how ingenious this idea is, and how well it could work for any animal shelter.  The staff and volunteers at the Wisconsin Humane Society decided to offer drawings of anyone's pet, created by an employee or volunteer, for a mere $15 donation, and the community responded enthusiastically.  $12,000 was raised for the shelter, and in return the donors received their local humane society's best artistic efforts.  These efforts range from hilarious to amazing, and I'm sure that everyone involved had a great time.  Check out more of these artistic endeavors by clicking on the Yahoo! News link.  And if your own local animal shelter is looking for way to raise money, why not suggest this fun idea?

From Yahoo! News

In related news, in an effort to get more rescue pets adopted, a pizza shop in Amherst, New York, decided to attach flyers of adoptable animals to all of its pizza boxes, with the additional incentive of a $50 gift certificate to anyone who adopted a shelter pet.  Their customers loved the idea, a puppy has already been adopted because of it, and business at the pizza shop has increased - a win/win situation for everyone.  Other pizza shops, even those in other states, are beginning to do the same with their own boxes.

From CNN

Don't you just love it when an idea that benefits a worthy cause becomes a great success?  This is your happy news for the day, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

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