March 18th is Tea for Two Tuesday! 🍀

Sunday, February 12, 2012

On the Homefront: An Unusually Mild Winter

From Tutorial Bunch

I'll admit that we rarely get scenes like the one above here in our part of rural Georgia, but we usually get at least a little bit of wintry weather.  Not so this year -- it has been extremely mild.  There have been a few cold snaps, but they are always followed by bouts of unusually warm weather.  This past Sunday our temperatures were well into the seventies -- I was actually wearing a tank top and still feeling overly warm!  Apparently our plants are feeling warm as well.  The Flowering Quince (Chaenomeles sp.) has been blooming continuously all winter long (I think that is the first time this has ever happened since we have been here):

Our Chinese Fringe Flower (Loropetalum chinense) has also been flowering all winter, as have the pansies I put out in the fall, but this is not so unusual:

Chinese Fringe Flower


The naturalized daffodils were out at the beginning of January, much earlier than normal:

We even had one lone camellia blossom in January:

My favorite daffodils (the yellow ones with orange centers) have started blooming this month:

The forsythia has been putting out a few flowers since January, but it is starting to flower in earnest now:

The Hellebores or Lenten Roses (Helleborus sp.) have also come up:

Even the Carolina Jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens) has put out a few blooms, but it really is too early for them:

I saw my first iris blossom a few days ago while on my early morning walk (ours are not up yet).  The Spring Peepers (Pseudacris crucifer) have started calling, and there was even an Anolis Lizard (Anolis carolinensis) out sunning itself on our deck railing recently on a particularly warm afternoon!  Although an arctic blast has just recently descended upon us, it is supposed to be gone in a few days, and our rapid approach to spring will continue.

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