March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

This 'n That Thursdays: Lobster Couture

For some reason the lobster seems to be very popular when it comes to clothing design.  Women's dresses with a lobster theme keep making an appearance, from the world of haute couture (from left: Elsa Schiaparelli/Salvador Dali; Les Heal; B Rude; The Rodnik Band):

to the everyday casual (top left: Betsey Johnson; top right: lobster-print dress from J. Crewbottom left: Vested Gentress Lobster and Anchor Dressbottom right: Salty Seas dress from Anthropologie):

While women's fashions tend to be quite ephemeral (most of these dresses are no longer available), fashions for men tend to be more enduring, and lobsters show up on everything from pants (from left: Bermuda Styles; Castaway Clothing Corduroy Pants; Castaway Clothing Harbor Pants:

to shirts (top left: Apparel Pizzazz; top right: Kahala; bottom left: Pagong lobster aloha shirt; bottom right: seersucker lobster sport shirt from Brooks Brothers):

My favorite lobster clothing items are the David Szeto women's silk top and Alynn Bowties lobster tie:

Is it crazy to love a crustacean so much that one is willing to wear it?  Maybe so, but what fun it is!

1 comment:

  1. Hey looking to buy about 20 Polo shirts with a lboster design on same, similar to the pants shown above, can you direct me to a site please
