March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mystery Mondays: Livia J. Washburn's Fresh-Baked Mystery Series

Phyllis Newsom, the heroine of Livia J. Washburn's Fresh-Baked mystery series, is a retired history teacher in Weatherford, Texas, who rents out rooms in her large house to other former teachers after her husband dies.  She and a fellow boarder have a friendly but serious rivalry when it comes to baking contests.  Both love to compete and are very talented, and so far the number of wins is about equal for the pair.  Life becomes more complicated for Phyllis, however, when she begins to encounter murder victims every time she enters a baking contest.  Phyllis also takes in a new boarder, a man named Sam Fletcher, who shows an interest in more than just her baking and sleuthing abilities.  Soon the two are solving crimes together as well as advancing their relationship.  There are five novels in the series so far, with a sixth scheduled for release in November.  These mysteries are fun and the included recipes sound delicious.  Many of the recipes are for sweet treats and are tempting, but I thought the baked Killer Crab Cakes with their panko-pecan coating sounded especially intriguing.  I look forward to more mysteries and more recipes in this series!

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