March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mystery Mondays: Krista Davis' Domestic Diva Mystery Series

In Krista Davis' Domestic Diva mystery series, Sophie Winston and Natasha Smith have been rivals since they were children, and nothing has changed now that they are adults.  Natasha is the ambitious one who has become famous as the Domestic Diva with her own local television show, but she still feels the need to compete with Sophie.  She is even married to Sophie's ex-husband, and when she finds out that she cannot have Sophie's historic house in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, she purchases another one in the immediate neighborhood.  In spite of Natasha's presence, Sophie is content with her life as an event planner who writes a column for the local paper -- until murder decides to rear its ugly head.  The two are competing in a local Thanksgiving stuffing competition when Sophie finds a body in a dumpster at the local food market -- and the corpse is carrying her name and picture.  The bodies begin to pile up, and Sophie decides it is up to her to find the real killer if she does not want to be arrested as the murderer herself!  Her sleuthing continues in the next three books of the series, as does her romance with the local police detective.  I really like the entertaining tips that the author provides, alternating with suggestions from Sophie and Natasha.  These tips highlight the style differences between the two, with Natasha preferring elegant and intricate projects while Sophie takes a simpler and more down-to-earth approach.  There are also some delicious recipes in the books.  Sophie is a likable heroine and the series has a humorous undertone, which makes these books a delight to read.  A fifth novel is in the works for September, so get started on the first four now!

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