March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

This 'n That Thursdays: The Scariest Type of YouTube Video Just in Time For Halloween - Vote Him Away (The Liar Tweets Tonight)

What is the scariest type of YouTube video for Halloween 2020?  Well obviously that would be a political pre-election music video, of course!  This one, brought to my attention by one of my neighbors, is actually pretty funny and very well made, although Trump supporters may not be amused.  You have to admit, though, that whatever your political leanings, this sort of video is perfect for Halloween.  Enjoy it or not, but I have a feeling that November 3rd will be even more frightening than October 31st this year.  (Even so, please remember to vote - in fact, I hope you already have!)

And if you want to hear the original "The Lion Sleeps Tonight", watch this YouTube video (and just try to get this earworm out of your head for the rest of the day!):

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