March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Terrifying Tuesdays: Earth vs. the Spider, AKA The Spider (1958)

From Sci-Fi Film Fiesta

Are you ready to start celebrating Halloween by watching cheesy 1950s science fiction B movies?  I know I am!  My favorite sub-genre by far is comprised of what I call the "Giant Bug" movies, where arthropods grow to immense proportions, often due to exposure by humans to radiation, whether intentional or unintentional.  Surprisingly, today's film does not seem to be about the dangers of the unrestricted use of radioactive materials - instead the giant spider in "Earth vs. the Spider" (1958) just appears for reasons unexplained.

As is usually the case, the clueless townspeople have no idea a monster is in their midst until one of their own goes missing.  Odd circumstances surrounding the disappearance should be their first inkling that all is not normal, but of course no one is willing to believe that one missing man is anything more than a tragic accident.  The missing man's teenage daughter and her boyfriend actually encounter the giant spider while out looking for her father, but the town sheriff brushes off their claims as nonsense.  However, their high school science teacher is willing to suspend disbelief after examining a piece of the spider web the two teens bring to him, and he convinces the sheriff that he should at least send out a search party for the missing man.  The search party finds the spider instead, losing a few of their men in the process, and then the frantic efforts begin to find a way to destroy the monster.

This is a good old-fashioned horror movie that is tame enough for the whole family to enjoy, and you can watch it below or on YouTube:

Interesting Fact: The director, Bert I. Gordon (AKA Mr. B.I.G.!) shamelessly promoted his two previous science fiction films in this movie by prominently displaying posters of these movies in the theater where the male teenage protagonist works!

Gore Guide (0=none to 5=extreme): 0

From Shadow's B-Movie Graveyard

I hope your Halloween this year is less scary than the rest of 2020 has been!

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