March 28th is National Weed Appreciation Day!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

This 'n That Thursdays: Agatha's - A Taste of Murder Mystery Dinner Theater

From TripAdvisor

If you ever find yourself in Atlanta and have transportation plus a free night, be sure to book a reservation at Agatha's - A Taste of Murder.  My husband and I received tickets as a Christmas gift to this comedy murder mystery dinner theater for this past Saturday, which is the day we returned from New Mexico.  The timing was a bit awkward, but we arranged to have our pet sitter stay a little longer and spent the whole day in Atlanta until the show began.

From TripAdvisor

We had heard of this dinner theater before and had been wanting to attend for a while, but until our friend sent us tickets we just never got around to it.  We are so glad we finally got the chance!  The venue décor is perfect, with a sort of Victorian vibe and photos of famous actors and actresses pretty much covering all of the wall space.  The food was tasty (the butternut squash soup was fantastic) and you will get a complimentary glass of wine (okay but not great quality, but it is free!).  The staff did a good job of welcoming us in and letting us know what to expect, because participation is part of the experience, with either a "starring" cameo role or as part of a chorus (there will be singing, so brush up on your singing voice!).

From Facebook

The best part, of course, is the murder mystery.  We got to see a hilarious play written by the creative director, who also portrays some of the characters.  The Christmas-themed play, called "It's Beginning to  Look a Lot Like Murder", is loosely based on the movie "Top Gun", and it was very well acted.  We had a lot of fun participating, and even more fun watching some of the other attendees tackle their cameo roles.  At one point I was laughing so hard tears streamed from my eyes!

Having gotten up at 3 AM to catch our very early morning flight out of Albuquerque, I wasn't sure we would be able to stay awake (especially my husband, who did all of the driving), but the play was so engaging we had no trouble and enjoyed ourselves immensely (lots of tea and coffee with dinner helped a lot too!).  We did spend a bit of time lost in Atlanta as we wandered around town for hours until Agatha's opened in the evening, and traffic on a Saturday is never pleasant, but the play amused, relaxed, and energized us enough for the long drive home that night.  We both highly recommend Agatha's - A Taste of Murder to anyone who enjoys participating in dinner theater play antics - be sure to arrive with a sense of humor!

From TripAdvisor

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