March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

This 'n That Thursdays: When Can You Expect Peak Fall Foliage?


Have you ever wondered exactly when peak fall foliage will occur in your area, or any area of the United States for that matter?  Well, now you can find out, because there is an interactive map available on the website that will predict just that for you!  The above image shows the fall foliage prediction for this week.  We are still showing almost no change in our part of the South, which is no surprise as the weather has been summery even up to today.  Hopefully that will be changing soon, maybe when our current rainy conditions from now Tropical Storm Michael move out?  According to the map, we should be seeing our peak fall foliage some time in mid-November, and I can't wait.  I hope you are enjoying pleasant autumn weather in your part of the nation!

From Asheville NC Mountain Travel Tips

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