March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Monday, October 1, 2018

Current Events: A Ban on Chocolate?

Especially with Halloween and Christmas fast approaching, this latest presidential speech is going too far, even for The Donald - a ban on cocoa production?  Perhaps his statement is just another example of Trump's many mispronunciations, but he has made a similar comment in the past:

Now why would a president who clearly loves chocolate support a ban on cocoa?

Trump chows down on an ice cream bar (from Zimbio).

Trump attacks a Ben & Jerry's ice cream bar
(image from

From Kayak Wallpaper

Obviously because he seems to be permanently confused as to the definition of coca (the source of cocaine) versus cocoa (the main ingredient in chocolate)!  So why didn't some staffer step up and set him straight (looking at you, Sarah)?

My best guess is that his staff suspect that chocolate seriously affects his ability to think clearly:

When you are so desperate for a cocoa fix that you can remember every detail of a chocolate cake but cannot even remember what country you just bombed, then you may have a problem, Mr. President.  Perhaps you need to follow the 12 step rule for chocolate:

From Pinterest

Eat a Snickers bar, Mr. Trump, because you are obviously not you when you are hungry for chocolate.  (But wait, is that such a bad thing?  Now I'm confused!)  Or curb your cocoa consumption in an attempt to cure your cravings if you must.  However, I believe in a human's right to choose chocolate, so I am telling you this for your own good, sir - please keep your tiny hands off of our cocoa supply!

From Quotelr

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