March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Wish List Wednesdays: Authorful Puns Jigsaw Puzzle

I have wanted the 1,000-piece Authorful Puns Puzzle ($26.99) since I first saw it in the Bas Bleu catalog over a year ago.  I finally got around to ordering it last month when it was on back order, and am excited that my back order has now arrived!  Jigsaw puzzles have been getting me through the long hot summer here in New Mexico, and I am sure they will be just as useful on rainy, cold, and/or snowy days as we progress into fall and winter.  This jigsaw puzzle is especially delightful as the author names are puns that relate to their book titles (check out the zoom on the web page to see some of these puns).  I plan to start working on this over the weekend.  If you think you might like to own one yourself, act fast because this puzzle sells out quickly!


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