March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Wish List Wednesdays: Terrain Autumn Harvest Wreath

I have just started doing a bit of decorating for fall, putting out a couple of autumnal accent pillows and a pumpkin-shaped candle that managed to make it to New Mexico with me last fall.  While I do not plan to do much decorating this year since most of my seasonal decorations are still in Georgia, I may purchase just a few items to add more touches of fall to the house.  The Terrain Autumn Harvest Wreath ($128) shown above appeals to me because it features colors that predominate in my living room.  I like the fact that it is made with an abundance of all natural materials, and that it looks lush and full - I dislike wreaths that are too sparse.  The price is rather steep, but this wreath seems like it would last for a while, so I am sure I would get my money's worth of use from it.  And since autumn is my favorite season, I think I may just have to splurge on this one item!

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