March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wish List Wednesdays: North Star Designs Perch 21-inch Concrete Complete Birdbath from Lowe's

Now that spring and warm weather have finally arrived here in New Mexico, I am starting to think about gardening.  We have a completely empty walled-in front yard filled with nothing but bare dirt and some weeds.  Eventually, when the pandemic is over, we will need to come up with and implement a garden design plan, but for now I want to at least do some bare minimum gardening.  I am dealing with the weeds, but need to start thinking about doing some planting and also adding a bit of garden décor.

One item I would really like to add to the yard is a birdbath, because it is so dry here and I think our resident birds would really appreciate a water source.  The North Star Designs 21-inch Concrete Complete Birdbath ($81.36) from Lowe's is the one I am thinking would work for me.  I like the simple but rustic style, the price is quite reasonable, and it seems sturdy enough so that it is unlikely to tip over and break.  It is not very big, but that is probably an advantage at this point - we will probably decide to go with some sort of water feature in the future (this is what my husband would like to do) and the birdbath would still be a nice secondary water feature in our yard.  Best of all, I can order it and have it delivered to the store with no delivery fee.  It is so nice to finally get out and putter around in the dirt, dreaming of future garden plans!


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