March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Wish List Wednesdays: Loon Peak Switzer China Cabinet

Our new house here in New Mexico has a lot less storage than our Georgia home.  Since I have an extensive tableware collection, I have decided that I need a large china cabinet to store many of the kitchen items that have not yet made the move to Santa Fe.  These furniture pieces are not cheap!  I would prefer to buy something locally so that I can actually see it in person before making up my mind, but if I had to buy online I would consider something like the Loon Peak Switzer China Cabinet ($4,599) in Artisan Oak available from Wayfair (like I said, a large china cabinet is not cheap!).

I like the simple lines and all of the closed storage, top and bottom, because I have so much dinnerware that there would be no room for artful arrangements on open or glass-fronted shelves.  The color is close to that of the wood floor in our dining room, and the dining room is big enough to fit such a large piece of furniture.  Shipping is free, as is in-home delivery, and full-service delivery plus assembly is available for an additional $120.  The reviews have been excellent for this china cabinet, but I would have to think long and hard about ordering such and expensive piece online.  Maybe if I wait a while Wayfair will have a fantastic sale on this piece - not likely, but I can dream, right?

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