March 25th is Tolkien Reading Day! 📚🐉💍

Sunday, March 31, 2019

On the Homefront: Welcome to Our New Mexico House!

Water-damaged ceiling in my basement office (what a lovely image
to start off my post!). 

Well, it has been quite the week here at our house in Georgia!  Unbeknownst to us, the water line to our refrigerator developed a crack which began to leak.  The leak was so small that no water showed up on our kitchen floor, so the water accumulated behind the fridge and began to seep through to the subfloor.  It then dripped down to the dropped ceiling above my basement office space, where I did not discover the damage until I went downstairs to file some papers in my office and found that a ceiling tile had deteriorated and fallen to the floor, where water was slowly creating a shallow pond in the room!

I rushed upstairs and turned off the water supply to the fridge, which stopped the leak, but the damage was done.  We will now be bringing in a mitigation service to dry out the sub-floor, and this will  necessitate the removal of floor tiles in our kitchen, leading to the subsequent replacement of the entire rather extensive tile floor on this level!  Luckily the mitigation company is experienced in dealing with insurance claims, and this type of damage will be covered by our homeowner's insurance, but it will take weeks to finish the work.  In addition, some of my books were damaged and quite a few photos, some in albums, got damp.  While the photos were not damaged, I had to spread out about 100 of them to let them dry.  I discarded a couple of the albums because they were too wet to save, so I may need to buy some new albums before I can put all of the photos away once they are dry enough.  At least this process will force me to begin sorting through my belongings and deciding what does and does not get moved to New Mexico, which is something I have to do anyway!

And speaking of New Mexico, this post is actually the one I promised last week with some images of our new house located just off the scenic Turquoise Trail, a much happier topic than water-damaged sub-flooring and ceiling tiles!  So take a look with me while I take a deep breath, relax, and try to forget about the upcoming chaos soon to descend upon our Georgia residence (this is a very long post, so prepare yourself):

The entry gate to the main courtyard which leads to the front door.

The main courtyard, with front door on the left
(you saw this image last week).

The entry foyer just inside the front door.

The entry from the foyer into the living room.

Notice the lintel above the living room entry opening.  The original owner of this house was a cabinetmaker, and he carved intricate designs into the woodwork throughout this house.  The house was extensively renovated by the people we bought it from, a three-person construction team consisting of a husband, wife, and the husband's brother.  The wife, who did the interior design, argued that some of the existing carved woodwork should be kept while the two men insisted on a total replacement of all original materials, and we are so glad that the wife prevailed!   I like to call my favorite design style rustic modern, and the combination of rustic original woodwork with the more modern contemporary aesthetic that this renovation team brought to the house suits my design preferences perfectly!

The back wall of the living room highlights the focal points of the
large and distinctive fireplace as well as the two big windows that
look out onto glorious views of mountains in the distance and a
landscape dotted with juniper trees.

The living room is quite spacious.

The door on the right is an original to the house, and is adorned with
carvings by the cabinetmaker original owner (you cannot see the carvings
in this photo, so I need to take better photos the next time we return).

This lovely kitchen is on the right as you come in through the front
door foyer, opposite to the living room.  The peninsula in the foreground
has a gas range, and there is a countertop overhang above that front
row of cabinets so that counter stools can be added.

This wall of the kitchen includes a built-in microwave drawer
and a wine fridge in addition to the refrigerator.

The wine fridge.

The built-in microwave next to the refrigerator.

The design of the kitchen is not a style I would normally choose, but it is so well done that I really do like it.  I tend to prefer natural to painted wood, and I do not like white cabinets, but the paint job is more of a wash than a solid color and the color is a creamy off-white, so I am happy with the cabinets.  I need to get a close-up picture of the backsplash tile, which is uniquely textured and one of my favorite details in the house.

The "ballroom".

The room shown above is just off the kitchen and is extremely large (too large for me to get a good photograph with my little digital camera which has no "zoom out" function).  In fact, it is so big that I have taken to calling it the "ballroom" because of its size and the expansive wood floor.  We are not quite sure if it was meant to be a dining room or a family room, but have decided that it will become a combination dining room/library for us.  The back wall (which you can see along the right two-thirds of the photo) is an unbroken expanse of blank wall, and the adjacent wall to the right which you cannot see is mostly blank except for an opening to the hallway for the two guest rooms, so we are thinking of having built-in shelves installed on both walls.  We certainly have enough books to fill those shelves and more (both my husband and I collect books and have a hard time getting rid of any, although we are making a superhuman effort to thin our collections before we move).

One of the two guest bedrooms (the other bedroom is practically a
mirror image of this one).

The master bedroom fireplace (this room is down a short hallway
beyond the living room).

The nook for the bed in the master bedroom - notice one of those
lovely carved lintels above the nook, as well as above the window
on the adjacent wall.

All three bedrooms in the house have a fireplace, so, including the one in the living room, there are four fireplaces in this house!  My husband is ecstatic, because he loves wood-burning fireplaces - in fact, I think that feature plus the spectacular views from the property were the primary reasons he decided that this was the house for us.  Personally, I am of the opinion that one fireplace in a house is enough, especially since I usually end up having to clean out the ashes and am always the one who makes sure that a chimney sweep gets called out to clean them once a year!

This little nook is located off the master bedroom just beyond
the doorway to the en suite master bathroom.  It is meant to be
a makeup vanity (the mirror has built-in lights on each side!),
but I will most likely use it as a desk.

These built-in glass shelves are located just to the right of the nook,
 and will probably end up holding my (greatly thinned out 😢)
stuffed animal collection.
The master bathroom.

The double vanity in the master bathroom.

Built-in storage shelves in the master bathroom.

The guest bathroom vanity (there is a shower enclosure to the left
and a bathtub on the wall opposite).

The guest bathroom bath tub, plus a small linen closet with a
refinished original door from the house.

I always find it difficult to photograph bathrooms because they tend to be small and narrow, but the above images give you an idea of the design in the two full bathrooms in the house.  We think the sellers did an amazing job choosing the details in these rooms.

This is the mudroom off of the kitchen, with an entry door from
a small courtyard that serves as a sort of "service entrance".

The nook for the washer/dryer sits opposite the bench in the previous
photo, and there is a small powder room right next to it.  I just love
those peeled log ceiling beams that are found throughout the house!

Another peek at the powder room.

This is the entry gate to the small courtyard leading to the mud room.
The mud room door is to the left under the porch overhang, and the
double doors at the back lead into the "ballroom".

The one room that I completely forgot to photograph is in the portion of the house on the left in the above image, which is just beyond the mud room/laundry room.  This very large room was the original work space of the cabinetmaker first owner, and is destined to become my husband's home office.  I will try to remember to take photos and post them at a later date!

A slightly different view of the same mountain range you saw
in last week's post.

The two-stall horse barn.

This area appears to have been used as a corral or perhaps a
riding arena - the fence needs some work, but it is usable.

One of two areas on the property where a former owner attempted
to grow grapevines!

Apparently a former owner tried to start a vineyard on the property, as there are two areas with supports for old grapevines (no longer alive) on the property.  Since this area will now be part of my horse's pasture, I will be removing the old support wires and posts so my horse does not injure himself on them.  I may also need to remove some of the young junipers which have taken over these spots!


By now you are probably wishing that I had divided this post up into two or more!  However, next month (tomorrow!) I will get serious about starting to sort through our belongings and deciding what will be coming with us to New Mexico, while at the same time dealing with the water damage repair work that will begin the day after tomorrow.  My posting schedule will probably be erratic and I wanted to get this post done now.  We are determined to aggressively thin out our possessions before what will most likely be our final move, and that means going through decades worth of accumulated objects.  The process will take a lot of time and I am not especially looking forward to it, but it must be done.  I will try to keep to at least a minimal posting routine, and will let you know how we are progressing with our move!

Friday, March 29, 2019

Foodie Fridays: Amazingly Easy Thai Coconut Soup

Earlier this year my husband and I had lunch at a local Thai restaurant.  I had their version of Tom Yum soup, which was coconut milk-based and was served with shrimp over noodles.  I loved it so much I decided to try making a similar soup at home.  I found a simple recipe for Amazingly Easy Thai Coconut Soup, modified it slightly, and came up with a dish that was close enough to my inspiration meal to satisfy my craving for Thai soup.  If you decide to try this recipe be sure to check out my rather extensive notes at the bottom of the post for suggestions and substitutions, because this is a very forgiving soup that can easily be changed to accommodate your own taste preferences!

Amazingly Easy Thai Coconut Soup

1 T. oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp. ginger
2 tsp. minced lemongrass
1 T. brown or coconut sugar
1 T. fish sauce
2 tsp. curry powder
1 tsp. ground coriander
1 T. sweet chili sauce
2 C. chicken stock or broth
1 can (14 oz.) coconut milk (I used the lower fat type)
12 extra large shrimp, cooked
1 lime
8 oz. long noodles or thin spaghetti, cooked
1 bag (5 oz.) baby greens
Optional toppings, (sliced scallions or onions, bean sprouts, cilantro sprigs, lime wedges, etc.)

Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium heat.  Add the garlic, ginger, and lemongrass and sauté for 20 seconds until the garlic is golden.  Add the sugar and fish sauce.  Sir and cook for 30 seconds (the mixture should look like caramel).  Add the curry powder, coriander, and chili paste and cook for an additional 30 seconds.

Stir in the chicken stock and coconut milk.  Bring the soup to a simmer.  Simmer for two minutes and then stir in the shrimp and grate in the zest from the lime.  Cook for two minutes longer just to heat up the shrimp.

Divide the noodles among three large shallow bowls.  Top each with a handful of the greens.  Ladle out equal portions of hot soup and shrimp into each bowl.  Add toppings of your choice and serve.  Serves 3.


You can use lemongrass paste instead of fresh lemongrass if you prefer (I used the Gourmet Garden brand).

Fish sauce has a very strong and funky flavor and odor, so I reduced the amount to 1 T. from the 1 1/2 T. called for in the original recipe.

Because I am a wimp when it comes to spicy hot foods, I used a sweet chili sauce instead the recommended hot chili paste, but suit yourself when it comes to the heat level of this soup.

To cook the shrimp, I recommend baking or roasting using the Ina Garten method (use vegetable instead of olive oil, and add lime juice).

I used Japanese soba (buckwheat) noodles, but any long, thin pasta would work.

You can use the baby greens fresh in this dish, or you can sauté them first (as I did) in some vegetable oil and finish with a little salt and the juice of one lime.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

This 'n That Thursdays: Sunflower Pollen Has Health Benefits for Bees!

From New Mexico Beekeepers Association

Gardening season is almost upon us here in Georgia - I may even plant some cold-hardy seeds this weekend.  When it comes time to plant more sensitive varieties, I will definitely be planting some sunflower seeds this year, thanks to a recent study which found that sunflower pollen can be beneficial to bees.  A recent study published in the September 2018 issue of Scientific Reports concluded that "...sunflower (Helianthus annuus) pollen dramatically and consistently reduced a protozoan pathogen (Crithidia bombi) infection in bumble bees (Bombus impatiens) and also reduced a microsporidian pathogen (Nosema ceranae) of the European honey bee (Apis mellifera), indicating the potential for broad anti-parasitic effects".  The scientists do caution, however, that an exclusive diet of sunflower pollen is too low in protein and some amino acids, so additional food sources should be provided as well.

While most people immediately think of the European honey bee when considering ways to protect plant pollinators, there are many other bee species (as well as other insects and birds) that pollinate plants.  According to a Discover Magazine article, the best strategy the average person can choose that will help all pollinators is to replace as much lawn as possible with a wide variety of flowering plants.  Most people who garden seem to do this anyway!  It would not hurt and it just might help pollinators if gardeners include some sunflowers in their mix of flowering plants, so why not plant some sunflower seeds on your property this year?


From The Micro Gardener

From SF Gate

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wish List Wednesdays: Pretty Plates for Spring from Lenox

The Lenox mail order catalog I received recently is inspiring me to think about setting a table with spring in mind!  I am really loving the Lenox Farm Fresh 4-Piece Accent Plate Set ($49.95) shown on the cover of the Lenox Spring 2019 catalog above.

These 8-inch porcelain plates are dishwasher and microwave safe, and may just inspire one to eat more vegetables!  I particularly like these salad plates paired with the Totally Tikaa Black & White Gingham 4-Piece Dinner Plate Set (on sale for $69.96!), also shown at the top of the page.

These chip-resistant 10.75-inch plates are microwave and dishwasher safe as well.  However, if you are thinking ahead to Easter, you may prefer the Colors of Spring Lavender 4-Piece Dinner Plate Set ($79.95) with its pale lavender-blue floral motif along the outer border and four different cute bunny images in the center.

At 11.5 inches, these porcelain dinner plates are slightly larger, and again are microwave and dishwasher safe.  But suppose you are setting a special table just for the kiddos, and need truly durable plates?  Why not try the Petite Meadow 4-Piece Party Plate Set ($24.95)?

These slightly smaller 6-inch plates are made of durable melamine, are adorned with adorable baby animals, and are inexpensive enough to splurge on an extra set should you feel the need!  I certainly do not need more dishes, especially as we will be moving cross-country in the near future, but I do love looking at all of the new dinnerware for spring.  Do these lovely plates have you thinking spring for your dining table now too?

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Weekend Wardrobe: What I Wore for Our Trip to New Mexico

A rather snowy view of mountains from our new house (we have a
360-degree view of mountains from our property, and we need to learn
the names of all the mountain ranges!).

We had a whirlwind trip to New Mexico last week.  We managed to accomplish everything on our list, but my advice is that, unless you have no other choice, do not travel by air during spring break week!  The airports were so crowded, especially in Atlanta but even in Albuquerque, because skiing is popular in New Mexico at this time of year.  Also, rental cars are in very high demand over spring break, but luckily we made our reservations well in advance so we were able to avoid waiting in the long line of people trying to rent a car.

Once we got away from the crowds and to our new house in Santa Fe, we were able to relax and truly enjoy the beauty of our future home state.  The weather was a lot colder and snowier than Georgia, so I packed warm clothes.  I also brought my warmest and tallest winter boots to leave at the house, since I don't need them in Georgia and they are necessary in New Mexico.  As usual, our travel plans were more utilitarian than glamorous, and my mostly-jeans-and-tee-shirts wardrobe reflected that.

Here is what I wore and carried on the plane:

Clockwise from top left: Uniqlo Women 1*1 Ribbed Cotton V-Neck Long-Sleeve T-Shirt in Navy (similar to mine); Turtle Fur Bang Band Chelonia 150 Classic Fleece Headband in Black; L.L. Bean Women's Primaloft Packaway Jacket in Black; L7 Enterprises Zuni Channel Inlay Turquoise Bracelet (similar to mine); Southcombe Mabel Warm Lined Leather Gloves in Black (similar to mine); Olivia + Joy Zap Zoom Tote in Black (no longer available); Dockers Vargas Boat Shoes in Rust; GANT Women's Ribbed Socks in Navy (similar to mine); Coldwater Creek Knit Denim Slim-Leg Leggings in Spice (no longer available); Center: Skyway Tieton Carry-On Spinner Luggage in Blue Paisley.

And here are the items I packed for the trip:

Clockwise from top left: Coldwater Creek Wild Horses Sweatshirt in Navy (no longer available); Duluth Trading Company Women's Longtail T Long Sleeve Crew Neck T-Shirt in White (similar to mine); Fair Indigo Tey-Art Niobara Intarsia Alpaca Fair Trade Cardigan (no longer available); Premise Studio Short Sleeve Sweater in Blue; Great American Leatherworks Leather East/West Crossbody Bag in Dark Tan (no longer available); Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda Stretch-Fit Jeans in Roasted Chestnut; Bombas Women's Merino Wool Calf Socks in Marled Navy; No Nonsense Women's Flat Knit Crew Socks in Denim Blue; Hanes Women's ComfortBlend Fleece Sweatpants in Navy Heather (no longer available); Propet Women's Madison Mid Zip Boots in Black (no longer available); TopShop Autumn High Rise Mom Jeans in Light Blue (similar to mine); Duluth Trading Company Women's Longtail T Long Sleeve Crew Neck T-Shirt in Black (similar to mine); Center left: Coldwater Creek Pinwale Stretch Corduroys in Rust (color no longer available); Center right, top to bottom: Nautica Men's Fair Isle Sweater in Navy (similar to mine); Land's End Women's Long Sleeve Crew Sweatshirt in Pewter Heather (similar to mine); Land's End Women's Relaxed V-Neck Supima Cotton Long Sleeve T-Shirt in Charcoal Heather (similar to mine).

Because we spent a lot of time doing small chores around the house, I ended up not wearing my corduroy pants, choosing to wear my blue jeans for two days in a row instead.  I always wear two pairs of socks (the thin crew socks plus the wool socks) when it is very cold and my feet stay toasty warm.  The heavy boots were packed in one of the two checked bags we brought which contained a lot of small items we wanted to leave at the house.  We brought these bags back empty (the duffel bag inside of the big suitcase) for future trips.  My husband is a frequent flyer so he gets two checked bags for free, which was really nice as there is at minimum a $100 charge for everyone else's bags!

The sweatpants and sweatshirt were my sleeping apparel, and much needed for the chilly nights.  I wore the one short-sleeved top I brought on the flight home, since it was much warmer in Georgia that day (the cardigan was worn in New Mexico and then stuffed into my roomy tote bag once we were on the plane).  All in all, only the corduroy pants were not worn, and I was able to fit all of my wardrobe into carry-on bags, so I think I am really getting my packing strategy down!


We are so excited to have found the perfect home for our retirement!  Hopefully the next time we get to New Mexico the snow will be gone and we can finally get a good look at our property without a snow covering (although it certainly is pretty).  Some time this week I plan to put together a post with more pictures of our place, although I have to warn you that I am a poor photographer so don't expect Architectural Digest-quality images!

A view of distant mountains from inside the entry gate, just past the
walkway leading to the front door.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Foodie Fridays: Hummus and Fried Egg Naan Sandwich

Are you looking for a quick and tasty breakfast or lunch sandwich that is a little different?  Then try my recipe for an open-faced sandwich atop half a piece of naan bread, full of smoked paprika-sprinkled hummus and olive oil-drizzled arugula and topped with a well-seasoned fried egg (eat this sandwich with a fork rather than trying to pick it up!).  This satisfying light meal has become my favorite lunch dish lately.  Unfortunately, after producing an abundance of eggs all winter long, our hen Dixie has finally gone broody and stopped laying, which means that I will now have to buy eggs from the grocery store.  Oh well, even store-bought eggs taste wonderful on this sandwich!

Hummus and Fried Egg Naan Sandwich

1/2 T. olive oil (plus more for topping)
1 egg
everything bagel seasoning (I used Olde Thompson Everything Seasoning)
2-3 T. hummus (I used Sabra Caramelized Onion Hummus)
1/2 naan (I used Stonefire Whole Grain Naan)
smoked paprika to taste
generous handful of baby arugula

Heat the olive oil in a small skillet over medium heat.  Add the egg and fry to desired doneness (break the yolk if you prefer).  Sprinkle about 1/2 tsp. everything bagel seasoning on top, remove from the heat, and set aside.

Spread the hummus on the naan and warm in the microwave for 30 seconds on HIGH.  Sprinkle with smoked paprika.  Scatter the arugula on top and drizzle with olive oil.  Top the arugula with the fried egg and drizzle with a bit more olive oil if desired.  Serve immediately.  Serves 1.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Seasonal Style: Spring Millennial Teal

From Jolie Gazette

The other day I was reading an article which stated that teal may just be the new millennial pink.  I am attracted to shades of blue-green, so I could happily get on board with that trend!  I love the above look from a Bruello Cucinelli spring 2019 collection which pairs beige pants with teal toppers plus brown leather hat and sandals (you can find a similar look at Neiman-Marcus here).

From Charles Neal

The living room above by Charles Neal also pairs creamy beige with a darker muted teal plus some dark brown accent pieces.  There is even a striped blanket that mimics the look of the model's extra-long striped head scarf!  While I would not want to go back to the pink and teal décor of the 1980s, I do like the look of this muted teal on its own, and could see myself owning a few accent pieces for both home and wardrobe in this color.  How about you?

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

On the Homefront: Westward Ho!

Our new home is located off the Turquoise Trail on the outskirts of
Santa Fe, and the location is gorgeous as well as convenient to town
(image from Travel Sonata in C-Major).

I will be taking about a week off from blogging for another trip to New Mexico.  This time we are off to spend some time at our NEW HOME!  Yes, we did indeed finally close on our New Mexico house, and I couldn't be more excited!  It will be a while before we move there permanently, so for now it is a second home, but if all goes as planned I will move in the fall and my husband will follow about six months later (he wants to work one more year before he officially retires).

The animals will be coming with me, so I have to start looking into finding all the necessities I will need for them (farrier, horse and dog vets, pet food/horse food sources, getting the property fencing repaired/modified where needed, etc.).  We also have to familiarize ourselves with the house's mechanics, make sure all utilities are set up, and get to know where all essential resources (bank, grocery store, doctor, dentist, eye doctor, etc.) are located.  Attending to these details is particularly daunting because we live so far away right now, but it will get done eventually and then we can really start to enjoy our new location!

If I have time I will try to take photos and post them to my blog when I return.  See you next week some time, and have a happy St. Patrick's Day!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Current Events: Awkward Presidential Moments - the Shrugs Say It All, and I Really Wish the President Would Stop Hugging Our Flag!

I doubt that the lovely ladies were at fault for the awkward moment shown above when the President and the Czech Prime Minister abandoned them on the steps of the White House.  Did the husbands not notice that their wives were not with them?  Or did they just not care?  The two women, after a presumed eye roll and noticeable shrug, handled the situation gracefully, but who does not think that the men got an earful in private later on?

And on to another awkward moment, when Trump decided to once again hug the nation's flag at a political event a little over a week ago.  At first I thought I was the only one who found his rather graceless gesture odd if not downright creepy.  Then I found this blog post which made me realize there were indeed others who thought his gesture was uncomfortably similar to inappropriate canine behavior:

Heaven help us, even their facial expressions are similar!
(image at left from YouTube; image at right from Sowetan Live)

Oh dear, once you see this eye worm there is just no un-seeing it (sorry, folks!).  Please, Mr. Trump, if you must hug Old Glory at least give her a one-armed buddy-type embrace, rather than a full-body throttle that just looks perverse!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Weekend Wardrobe: Road Trip to the Coast Travel Wardrobe

From Visit Florida

Spring break has arrived for many university students (even though spring itself has still not officially started), but let's take a road trip to the coast this week anyway, shall we?  If the most popular beaches are avoided then perhaps an oceanfront visit can still be enjoyed with minimal crowds.  The weather at these less frequented locations will probably still be too chilly to allow for much time on the beach, but sometimes just a walk along the shoreline while taking in the view is even more pleasant than a day spent in the sun, sand, and surf on a hot and crowded summer day.  As long as you dress appropriately, the cool temperatures should not be a problem, and a good raincoat will withstand any sudden showers that may pop up.

Clockwise from top left: Land's End Embroidered Handle Canvas Backpack in Sailboats; Land's End Embroidered Canvas Weekender Duffle Bag in Sailboats; Land's End Embroidered Large Zip Top Canvas Tote Bag in Sailboats.

Before we start with the outfit to wear in transit, I thought I would mention the bags that would be brought along for this trip.  Normally I limit the bags to one carryon-sized suitcase and either a large tote bag or a backpack, but, because (a) this is a road trip and (b) I found the canvas sailboats-print bags from Land's End irresistible, I decided to throw all three into the car.  Even if either the tote or the backpack remain empty, they can still be useful - the tote bag would be great for shopping excursions in town, and the backpack would come in handy for any hiking expeditions.

And now on to the outfit to wear on the drive:

Clockwise from top left: Heavenly Treasures 14k Gold Anchor Stud Earrings; L.L. Bean Women's PrimaLoft-Lined H2OFF Raincoat in Deep Navy; Land's End Women's Classic Leather Belt in Deep Sea; Degohome Canvas Crossbody Bag in Coffee; Land's End Women's Sperry Authentic Original 2 Eye Boat Shoes in Tan; Land's End Women's High Rise Straight Leg Jeans in Blue Vista Indigo; Land's End Women's 3/4 Sleeve Supima Cotton Sweater in Cozumel Blue Regatta.

Finally, here are the items to pack:

Clockwise from top left: Land's End Women's Supima Cotton Cardigan in Radiant Navy; King Ice The Boat Emoji Necklace in 14k Gold; Land's End Women's Supima Cotton Cardigan in Cozumel Blue; LORVIES Women's Square Neck Scarf in Sailing Boat Fish Quilt Pattern; Land's End Women's Short Sleeve Supima Sweater in Cozumel Blue; Land's End Mid Rise Curvy Skinny Jeans in Bleach White; Land's End Women's Lightweight Comfort Mesh Slip-On Shoes in Deep Sea; Land's End Women's Comfort Elastic Ballet Flats in Midnight Sapphire; Land's End Women's Tall Mid Rise Chino Capri Pants in Iced Coffee; Land's End Women's Short Sleeve Supima Sweater in Radiant Navy; Land's End Women's Nautical Charm Bracelet in Gold Tone; Land's End Medium Embroidered Zipper Pouch in Sailboats; Center top: Land's End Women's Short Sleeve Supima Sweater in White; Center bottom: Land's End Women's Tall Mid Rise Chino Capri Pants in Fresh Coral.

I pulled the color scheme of navy, white, bright medium blue, tan, and coral from the 3/4 sleeve sweater to be worn in transit.  I've kept this wardrobe casual but not sloppy, so it is suitable for strolling on the beach or around town.  And if the weather should turn out to be truly unpleasant, then perhaps the best idea would be to spend some time in your jammies, lounging around your room with a good book while hopefully enjoying a view of the ocean from your window!

The Company Store Printed Poplin Pajama Set in Sailboat


I hope you did not forget to set your clocks ahead by one hour (spring forward) for the start of Daylight Saving Time.  Losing an hour of sleep is enough to make anyone want to take a vacation to the coast!