March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

This 'n That Thursdays: Tasty Black Teas I Have Been Enjoying Lately

From Bien Zenker das Haus

I have been trying quite a few new-to-me black teas lately, so I though I would share a few today, as well as my opinion of them.  I never add sweetener to my tea these days, only some light cream or sometimes almond milk, which allows the flavor of the tea itself to be more noticeable, so I am a lot more picky these days about choosing teas.  I also prefer tea in a mug rather than a tea cup, am rather lazy so usually use tea bags, and often forget about my steeping tea and let it brew too long, so these factors can also affect my opinions about tea!  Without further ado, let's get started on my tea-tasting journey:

1) Ahmad Tea Apricot Sunrise (or buy it on Amazon) - this medium-bodied tea has a lovely apricot flavor and is not at all bitter, making it perfect for morning or afternoon.  It may just be my new favorite!

2) Tea Forté English Breakfast Tea (or buy it on Amazon) - this is a full-bodied breakfast tea, hearty and strong without being bitter.  If you prefer unflavored black tea and need a caffeine jolt but are not a coffee drinker, try this one!

3) The Tea Nation Vanilla Almond Tea - a light-bodied tea with a very delicate flavor, which is perfect for an afternoon break.  Unfortunately I do not think this brand is available any longer, but The Republic of Tea carries a similar flavor (or buy it on Amazon), and I may give that one a try.

4) Basilur Darjeeling Tea (or buy larger units on Amazon) - Darjeeling is probably my favorite type of tea, but this offering from Basilur is different from most that I have tried.  It is much stronger, with more of a grassy than nutty flavor, and can be bitter if you let it steep too long.  I prefer this one in the morning, as it is a bit too strong as an afternoon tea for me.


I have really been enjoying my tea for the last few days as winter weather made a chilly return to our part of the nation.  Even though warmer temperatures are in our forecast now, I am a committed tea drinker, and am always willing to try new black teas at any time of the year (as well as white tea, but never green or red/rooibos teas, as I am not a fan).  I will let you know about any new new tea finds!

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