March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

This 'n That Thursdays: Recently Released Movies I Would Like to See

From Quora

Lately I have noticed ads for some intriguing new movie releases, and now that our freakish heat wave seems to have passed I am in the mood to sit indoors and watch a good film.  Below are a few that I consider to be good candidates:

From Agatha Christie Ltd.

1) "Murder on the Orient Express" (2017) - I am not sure this classic mystery by Agatha Christie needed a remake, but I have always been a fan of her works so I would love to see this movie.  There are already at least three film versions.  The first was released in 1974 and starred Albert Finney as Hercule Poirot (it also starred Ingrid Bergman, Sean Connery, Lauren Bacall, and a number of other well-known actors).  The second was a 2001 TV movie with Alfred Molina in the role of the detective.  A third version was part of the PBS series "Agatha Christie's Poirot" starring David Suchet which came out in 2010.  In the new release Kenneth Branagh portrays Poirot, while Judi Dench, Michelle Pfieffer, Johnny Depp and several other familiar actors are part of the cast as well.  The movie comes out tomorrow, November 10th, and I hope to be one of the first in line to see it (you can watch the trailer at the bottom of this post)!

From Yotagram

2) "LBJ" (2016) - I am old enough to just barely remember the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the inauguration of Lyndon B. Johnson.  I was so young that about the only thing I recall about LBJ was the controversy that arose when he was photographed picking up one of his pet beagles by the ears (apparently something that he had always done for some reason - the dog was not hurt, but I don't think he ever did that again!).  It would be nice to learn a bit more about this president who has always been overshadowed by the charismatic President Kennedy, and I have to admit I am curious to get a look at Woody Harrelson's portrayal of our 36th president.  This is a film that my husband the political news junkie would like to watch as well, so I think there is a movie date night in our near future.  Apparently there is also a 2016 HBO movie starring Bryan Cranston as LBJ that is very well done, so we might have to find that one and see it as well for comparison!

From Deviant Art

3) "Thor: Ragnarok" (2017) - what can I say?  Sometimes I am such a sucker for comic book superhero movies, and this one has been getting pretty good reviews.  Even so, I may be able to wait until this film shows up on television, which is where I saw the previous Thor movies.  I still want to see "Wonder Woman" (2017) - I was in New York taking care of my sister when it came out and she was not interested, so I just might have to get the DVD.  The movie "Justice League" (2017) will premiere in about a week, and I think I will have to see that one as well.  I recently watched "Guardians of the Galaxy" (2014) on TV and was surprised that I actually enjoyed it (the trailers I saw when the movie first came out made it seem rather silly to me).  I am going to have to look for the 2017 sequel, which friends have told me is also really good.

From Free DVD Cover

Speaking of superheroes, one movie that I highly recommend is "Hidden Figures" (2016), which I also recently viewed on television.  I had been wanting to see this one and don't know why it took me so long, but I enjoyed it so much I will be buying the DVD.  And after overdosing on scary movies for Halloween, I am so ready for a good comedy, which seems to be really hard to find.  I'm hoping there is an excellent new comedy film coming out for the holidays soon - we shall see!


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