March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

This 'n That Thursdays: Giving Thanks Thanksgiving Décor

From BannerCheerJR on Etsy

Happy Thanksgiving!  For most people this holiday is all about the food (and for many it's about football as well!), but let's also remember the original meaning of Thanksgiving.  Below is a roundup of holiday décor images reminding us of the real reason for the season:

From Look Local Magazine

From Jarful House

From Sortra

From Domestic Charm

From Architecture Art Design

From SwankyBurlap on Etsy

From Sortra

Even when our nation is not at its best we still have a lot for which to be thankful.  Our founding fathers did a remarkable job ensuring that our country can weather even the hardest times and still come back to the founding principles, as long as that is what we the people truly want.  This Thanksgiving, in between enjoying family, friends, feasting and fun, take a little time to reflect on all that you have and offer up some thanks for living in a nation that values freedom and human rights so highly.  Best holiday wishes to you all!

From The American Genius

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