March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

This 'n That Thursdays: A Few of My Favorite Things

From The Telegraph

Halloween is over, November has arrived, and the winter holiday season will soon be upon us!  For some reason this makes me think nostalgically of a certain song from "The Sound of Music" (1965), so today I thought I would list "a few of my favorite things", in keeping with the tune.  In no particular order, here are some of the things currently on my favorites list:

1) Abroy "Who Lives Here" free online games - I love logic puzzles, and these games from Abroy are a fun way to exercise my logic skills, such as they are.  From the list of clues given, you must decide who lives in which house and what other objects (cars, pets, favorite foods, etc.) belong to each of about six different people.  These games come out once a week on Fridays, and I so look forward to each new game that Friday is now my favorite day of the week!

From Half Baked Harvest

2) Half Baked Harvest Cookbook - one of my favorite cooking blogs is called Half Baked Harvest, and this blogger recently published a cookbook full of her recipes.  Her photography is lovely, the recipes are tantalizing, and best of all, because she lives in Colorado, many of the recipes are perfect for fall and winter.  I have not yet had time to make one of the recipes in the book, but I have tried some of the recipes on her website, and I can't wait to try making a few more in the near future.

3) YouTube pronunciation videos - every once in a while I will come across a word in print that I cannot figure out how to pronounce (despite the pronunciation section of the dictionary).  For those words I really need to hear someone say them correctly for me, and luckily YouTube is a great source for people willing to do exactly that.  There are several sites that upload pronunciation videos on YouTube.  My favorite is "Emma Saying" because it is short and simple - the word is spelled on the screen, and Emma pronounces the word two times, including alternate pronunciations if applicable.  I finally now know that there is more than one way to pronounce both "tinnitus" and "kalanchoe" (see above)!

From Instacart

4) Smoky Park Smoked Mozzarella - I found this cheese at our local Publix earlier in the year, and I am now addicted!  I love smoked cheeses, and my previous favorite was a smoked Gruyere, but once I tasted this mozzarella all others have fallen by the wayside.  I could eat this cheese exclusively every day and never get tired of it!

From Aramark

5) Aramark WearGuard WearTuff Thermal Lined Sweatshirt Jacket - now that colder weather has finally meandered its way into Georgia, I have to wear a warm jacket in the mornings when I walk the dogs and clean the horse barn.  My jacket has to be tough as well as washable since it takes a lot of abuse, and I find the men's Wearguard WearTuff Thermal-Lined Sweatshirt to be the best for my purposes.  I have been wearing these thermal-lined jackets for decades and they last quite a while (I am now on my fourth one, which is pretty good considering I got my first one when I was a teen).  Color choices used to be limited to navy or grey, but now there are several options, and my latest jacket, just bought recently, is a color called brown duck.  The sizing has changed so that I now have to order a medium instead of a large, but I like the new generous proportions as I get more coverage, which means I stay even warmer!


I hope you get to enjoy a few of your favorite things this month!

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