March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

On the Homefront: Daisy (2003-2016)

My dear little miniature donkey Daisy lost her fight with EPM yesterday, and I had to let her go.  Her neurological condition became so bad that she could no longer navigate safely, and by the time the vet arrived she was down and could no longer get back up.  She fought her decline every step of the way, in typical donkey fashion, and accepted the necessary care with gentleness and good grace, but in the end we could not get the disease under control.  I will miss my sweet little girl so much and feel privileged to have had her for the short time allowed.  She is with her best buddy Bugs now, and I will think of them as being healthy and happy once again, sharing a big old pasture without a care in the world.  Goodbye, my beloved little Daisy, and say hello to your big brother Bugs for me.

1 comment:

  1. My heart is broken for you and the tears aren't stopping. I know it hurts so much. Katie
