March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wish List Wednesdays: A Trio of Pretty Pillows from Gump's

From CultureBowl

Everyone seems to be feeling the intense heat of summer these days, including our garden plants.  They are wilting and withering, with only a few hardy specimens still valiantly flowering.  I turned to the Gump's catalog to find some eye-catching color, and was not disappointed.  These vibrantly hued throw pillows will add color to even the most sun-bleached day!

The first to get my attention is the Mardi Gras Confetti Pillow ($178), with multicolored hexagons in front and a solid tan on back:

The puffin is my favorite bird, so when I saw the Puffin Tapestry Pillow ($98), I was delighted!  The equally attractive Pelican Tapestry Pillow is the perfect companion:

I also love turtles, and these pretty French Jacquard Turtle Pillows are on sale right now ($69.99 each, marked down from $145!):

I think it may be time to add some new throw pillows to my collection!

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