March 28th is National Weed Appreciation Day!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Wish List Wednesdays: Nathalie Lete Mushrooms/Champignons 1,000-Piece Puzzle

I just placed my order for the Nathalie Lete Mushrooms/Champignons 1,000-Piece Puzzle ($19.95) at the Anthropologie website, and I look forward to working on this gorgeous jigsaw puzzle!  I love the colors, and the mushrooms are beautifully done in great detail.  Unlike most people, I am more likely to work on puzzles during the heat of summer rather than on cold winter days, so I will probably save this one for warmer weather, when the middle of the day is just too hot to work outside.  If you love to do jigsaw puzzles, you may want to order this one too.  It will not be available for shipment until April 22nd, but if you wait too long you may miss out (I have had that happen with other puzzles when I wait too long to place my order - jigsaw puzzles are a very popular pandemic pastime!).

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