March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Thursday, March 4, 2021

This 'n That Thursdays: Reese's Ultimate Peanut Butter Lovers Cup

Image from Food & Wine

Have you heard the news?  In April, The Hershey Company will be releasing a version of their popular peanut butter cup that is chocolate-free!  Both the filling and the shell of Reese's Ultimate Peanut Lovers Cup will be flavored with peanut butter, which should be a peanut butter lover's ultimate dream (and a godsend for those who are allergic to chocolate).  While there are some who have already sampled this confection and were not impressed, I have a feeling that I am among many who look forward to trying this new variation.

The combination of peanut butter and chocolate will probably always be the best peanut butter cup flavor (and there have been so many variations manufactured!), but I actually like the idea of a chocolate-free peanut butter cup, and in fact have had it before.  Some of you may remember the Butterscotch Smoothie Peanut Butter Cup, which is still available and is exactly what the name implies - a peanut butter filling in a butterscotch shell.  I loved that version as a child (and still do, truth be told), because I love peanut butter, so I say bring on those all-peanut butter cups (and it looks like possibly just in time for Easter?)!  And for those who are allergic for peanuts, could a peanut butter-free all-chocolate version of the Reese's cup be in the works as well?

Images from Old Time Candy Company

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