March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Thursday, March 11, 2021

This 'n That Thursdays: An Amazingly Self-Sufficient Woman's Vlog

My pandemic-induced obsession with simple lifestyle YouTube vlogs continues, and lately I have been fascinated with those posted by self-sufficient women.  My most recent obsession is a vlog called Primitive Survival Life, featuring a young woman from Singapore who demonstrates the traditional survival techniques of her homeland in her quest to live off-grid.  Her vlog has only been up for a few months, but already she has built a large outdoor covered porch with an enclosed sleeping area, a bamboo villa, two wells, two water filtration systems, two outdoor kitchens, a small swimming pool plus seating area, an outdoor sleeping pavilion, an underground shower, and an underground toilet!  She does all of this on her own with only the simplest of tools and mostly using materials from nature (she even makes her own concrete!).  Above is her first video where she builds the outdoor covered porch, complete with a moat filled with wild-caught fish.  Below is the video showing how she built one of the water filtration systems, which I find particularly fascinating - the water passes through three different filtration tanks, each with progressively finer filtering material, until the fourth tank finally receives the drinkable water. 

I have to confess that I binge-watched all of the vlog posts over a couple of days, and now can't wait to see what she builds next.  I don't think I have ever had the strength, stamina, and determination this young lady has, even when I was her age, and I certainly never possessed the amazing skill sets she demonstrates so effortlessly.  This woman seems to be working with the support of fellow Singaporeans who share a desire to live in harmony with their natural environment while preserving traditional ways of life (she recommends two other similar vlogs by friends at the bottom of the page here).  What I most admire about all of the vlogs I have seen by young people from around the world is that they have no problem blending the demonstration of a simple lifestyle with advanced technology.  They know how to balance concern for the planet with their computer and digital skills, and they are showing the the rest of us how it can be done in unique and creative ways.  I for one hope that this is the way of the future!

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