March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Wish List Wednesdays: Breck's Gifts Miracle Amaryllis in Pine Bough Pitcher

Even though today is Poinsettia Day, I am not a big fan of poinsettias (too gaudy), nor do I care for Christmas cacti (too spiny) or paperwhites (too smelly!).  Red amaryllis is a different story, though - it is my favorite Christmas flowering plant.  Until recently our local Kroger sold already forced bulbs for the holiday season, and I was always very good at picking one that would be in full bloom on Christmas day.  Now they only sell the boxed kits just like everyone else, so it has been a while since I had an amaryllis for the holidays.  However, when I saw the Miracle Amaryllis in Pine Bough Pitcher (on sale for $27.99) from Breck's Gifts, I decided I had to have one, not just for the plant but for the pitcher as well, which matches a set of dinnerware that I own.  If it is not in bloom for Christmas (I ordered it rather late), it should be flowering close to Valentine's Day, which would make me just as happy.  It is time to bring my favorite flower back into my winter holiday décor!  (If this amaryllis arrangement is not your style, check out the other options here.)

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