March 28th is National Weed Appreciation Day!

Thursday, August 9, 2018

This 'n That Thursdays: A Beautiful Santa Fe Contemporary Adobe Home for Sale

From Santa Fe Properties

My husband and I try to make at least one trip a year to New Mexico to look at homes for sale, as we hope to retire there in the near future.  We are looking for properties with acreage that allow horses, which really limits our prospects, but sometimes I can't help checking out some of the wonderful properties available that do not permit horses.  One such property, south of downtown Santa Fe, is shown above.  This contemporary one-story adobe is decorated in a style I wish I could emulate (unfortunately, the two of us accumulate way too much stuff to successfully pull off such a minimalist esthetic).  Even though I know that our style will never be so clean and spare, I can still admire the look!

My (possibly overoptimistic) goal for the rather distant future is to pare down our possessions enough so that we can achieve a similar look, although probably with a slightly more rustic feel and definitely not quite so austere.  Like I said, we tend to be collectors (I am more of a binge and purge type, while my husband has true hoarding tendencies) so I have resigned myself to the fact that we will never be able to minimize our belongings to the extent to which I aspire!

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