March 28th is National Weed Appreciation Day!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

On the Homefront: She Who Ends Up with All of the Toys...

Our dog Madison is obsessed with toys.  She has a tendency to hoard them, and will carry two at a time in her mouth (or even three if she can manage!).  Above you see her napping on a dog bed surrounded by four of her current favorites.

Our poor old girl Ruby ends up toy-less most of the time.  In fact, the big stuffed tree stump toy that Madison is lying on is Ruby's one and only favorite and usually shunned by Madison because it is too big for her.  However, like the typical dog in the manger she will take Ruby's toy to her bed and use it as a pillow rather than let her sister have it!

But don't worry, because Ruby is a smart dog.  When she really wants her stump she will pretend to show interest in a different toy to distract Madison, and will grab her stump when Madison abandons it.  If that doesn't work, Ruby will come and get me to help her, because she knows that as soon as I approach, Madison will back off and she can triumphantly reclaim her toy right out from under Madison's nose!  Dogs are so amusing, aren't they?

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