March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

This 'n That Thursdays: Whatever Happened to the Triple Decker?

Vintage magazine ad available from Attic Paper

Several months ago, just after Halloween, my sister and I got to talking about candy bars we remembered from our childhood days.  Some of my favorites, such as Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Snickers Bars, are still around and remain popular.  Others are harder to find, but with a little effort they can be had.  Being a native of the Pittsburgh area, I have always loved Clark and Zagnut bars, and was fond of Bun Bars (both vanilla and maple) as well.  I found them all at The Vermont Country Store, a company that specializes in providing access to nostalgic items.  One of my sister's loves, the Mallo Cup, is also available.  All of these as well as two other favorites of mine, the Planters Peanut Bar and the Smoothie Candy Bar, can also be purchased from both Blair Candy and The Timeless Candy Source, two great suppliers for candies of all sorts.

Sadly, there is one favorite we both remembered that can no longer be found.  This is the Triple Decker Bar, a Nestlé product consisting of three chocolate layers -- dark, white, and milk.  We both hope that this one will be revived, and apparently we are not the only ones.  Come on, Nestlé, make our day and bring this one back!

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