March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Terrifying Tuesdays: Why I Like Scary Movies

Growing up in a suburb of Pittsburgh, I became a devoted follower of a Saturday late night movie double feature called "Chiller Theater", hosted by Pittsburgh's own Bill Cardille, or "Chilly Billy" as his fans liked to call him.  I'm not sure how I convinced my parents to let me stay up so late watching scary movies, but many was the Sunday morning I could barely drag myself out of bed for church services at 9 AM!  Anyway, thanks to Chilly Billy I became a huge fan of those movies.  Back then, while scary, these films rarely contained much gore, so I hesitate to call them horror movies.  I still prefer as little gore as possible -- I would rather be scared by my imagination than disgusted by graphically violent scenes.  For this reason, when I discuss movies here I will provide my own personal Gore Guide, which only applies to movies I like.  If I do not mention a movie on this site it may be too gory for me and therefore off the scale of my guide!

Next week I will begin reviewing my favorite scary movies.  "Be afraid, be very afraid", because "they're here!"

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