March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

This 'n That Thursdays: Adopt a Shelter Animal!

Meet the elusive Miss R, who grudgingly consented to hold still just long enough for me to get her picture!  This active little girl was a stray in our home town who decided that we needed to be adopted.  Weather permitting, I take our dogs for a 40-minute predawn walk every day.  The morning that she spotted the Dal girls and me out for our stroll, this terrier mix decided she had to be a part of our little pack.  Despite fierce protest from the two Dals, Miss R followed us home, camped out on our front door mat, and politely refused to leave.  Miss G accepted her right away, but it took about a week before Miss D and my husband were willing to admit that she was staying.  This sick, skinny, parasite-infested young dog has grown into a sleek, healthy, and happy sweetheart, loved by both of her sisters and now my husband's favorite!  There are so many dogs and cats out there with similar stories, who would make wonderful pets if only given the chance.  If you are thinking about getting a pet, please consider adopting a shelter animal -- give them a chance and you could reap huge rewards!

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