March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Wish List Wednesdays: What It's Like to Be a Bird by David Allen Sibley

If you are an animal lover and are looking for a great coffee table book, then get yourself a hardcover copy of David Allen Sibley's book What It's Like to Be a Bird ($28.99).  This large format book will delight anyone from the amateur birder to the most knowledgeable ornithologist.  More than 200 species are discussed, but the beginning of the book focuses on birds in general, and a plethora of fascinating facts is included on each page.  This book does not need to be read from cover to cover - just open it up to any random page from day to day and you can learn interesting facts about birds each time.  After the introduction, 96 species of birds are described in greater detail, with an author illustration of each bird (life size when possible) on the left page and descriptive essays about the bird on the right page.  This fun and easy to read book is temporarily out of stock on Amazon at the moment, but you can place your order now if you don't mind waiting for more to arrive.  Spring is coming and so are the birds, so this would be a great time to start learning more about our feathered friends!

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