March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Friday, February 15, 2019

Foodie Fridays: Creamy Cauliflower and White Cheddar Cheese Soup

I recently tried a cauliflower and cheddar cheese soup from our local Publix deli section, and loved it so much I decided to find a recipe and make my own version.  I slightly modified the recipe I found online for Cauliflower and White Cheddar Cheese Soup, mostly because I wanted a smoother and less chunky soup.  I also added a little vegetable oil with the butter because this will prevent the butter from burning and scorching the bottom of your pot (I can't be the only one who has this problem!).  I actually prefer this cheesy cauliflower soup to the broccoli and cheddar cheese variety, and it will be the perfect comfort food for the dreary and rainy week we will be facing after today!

Creamy Cauliflower and White Cheddar Cheese Soup

2 small heads cauliflower
2 T. butter
1/2 T. vegetable oil
1 large onion, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
4 C. vegetable or chicken stock
1 pinch nutmeg
1 1/2 C. milk
2 C. shredded white Cheddar cheese
 salt and pepper to taste

Cut one cauliflower head into florets and put the florets into a large pot.  Fill the pot with water to cover the cauliflower, salt the water slightly, and bring the water to a boil.  Boil the florets until tender.  Drain well and set aside.

Cut the second cauliflower head into florets and set aside.  Heat the butter and oil in a 4-quart stock pot over medium-low heat until the butter melts.  Add the onion and sauté until tender.  Stir in the garlic and cook one minute longer.  Add the uncooked cauliflower florets to the pot with the vegetable or chicken stock.  Add the nutmeg and bring the mixture to a boil.  Boil until the cauliflower is tender.  Remove the pot from the heat and allow to cool.

Use an immersion blender to blend the soup mixture until smooth.  Heat over medium-low heat.  Pour the milk into the pot and stir well.  When the mixture is simmering, coarsely chop the cooked cauliflower florets into bite-sized pieces and add to the pot with the cheese.  Stir until the cheese melts and the soup has thickened.  Taste for seasoning, and add salt and pepper as needed.

At this point, you can decide if you want a chunky soup or a smooth one.  I opted for a smooth version, so I used my immersion blender again to create a velvety smooth texture.  Serve the soup hot, sprinkled with additional shredded cheese if desired.  Serves 6.

Notes: Here is a tip you may not know - if you use stock from a box, be sure to pour it out with the spout at the top rather than at the bottom.  This is the way you pour motor oil from the bottle into your vehicle, and it keeps the liquid from coming out in spurts due to air trapped inside the container. No more stock splashing all over the kitchen stove and/or countertop when you pour it out!

Another tip - this is a great recipe for using up any leftover dairy products in your fridge.  I had some leftover heavy cream and a couple of spoonfuls of cream cheese, so I stirred them in, replacing some of the milk with the cream and adding the cream cheese in addition to the Cheddar.  The additions enhanced the flavor of the soup and let me use up some leftovers before they had a chance to spoil, which is definitely a win-win situation!

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