March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Current Events: Presidents Day Update

From Wallimpex

On this Presidents Day, we find ourselves in a state of national emergency over a southern border wall.  Naturally, right after declaring said emergency last Friday, our fearless leader immediately left town for a leisurely long weekend of golf in Florida (because that is what you do when you consider the nation to be in crisis?).  In case you missed it, you can watch Donald Trump's extremely long and confusingly rambling speech here, or you can enjoy yourself and watch the much shorter and definitely more coherent Saturday Night Live version below:

As a bonus, here is the Weekend Update segment from SNL, also covering the national emergency declaration:

Of course, little Donnie does have other things to worry about besides a national emergency.  He just completed his annual physical, and the verdict is in - Trump is now officially obese.  He probably decided that a weekend of golf was a good way to start a personal weight loss campaign.

From MLive

But maybe he should have addressed this issue last year when he was warned that he was only one pound away from obesity and was given guidelines for a healthier diet and more exercise by his favorite physician.  Instead, little Donnie felt that it was a great idea to serve fast food burgers, fries, and pizza at an official White House event, and also proceeded to go into self-imposed (and presumably physically inactive) confinement in Washington to protest not getting exactly what he wanted for his southern border wall.  No wonder he gained four pounds instead of losing the 10 to 15 recommended last year!

On this Presidents Day, when many federal workers and government contractors are still trying to deal with the aftermath of the longest government shutdown in history, political leaders of both parties grapple with the repercussions of a baseless national emergency, and our capricious president, like some modern day Nero, plays golf while the nation is in turmoil, let's try to enjoy our official government holiday.  Strange days indeed!

From Kiwi Hellenist

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