March 28th is National Weed Appreciation Day!

Monday, September 10, 2018

Current Events: Asleep at the Wheel

Trump falls asleep at his own rally - a good place to nap!
 (from Huffington Post)

Donald Trump claims he fell asleep while watching a recent speech given by former President Obama.  Well of course you did, Dozing Donnie - everyone knows you have the attention span of an infant.

The real reason plaid shirt guy was told to leave Trump's rally
(created by SuperLame! with image from Second Nexus)

Apparently this is not the first time Dozing Donnie has fallen asleep on the job:

A G7 Summit is a good place to nap too!
(created with SuperLame! with image from Punch)

But maybe that is a good thing - after all, the adults in the room can get real work done while the infant sleeps.  Nap on, little Dozing Donnie Trump, nap on!

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