March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

This 'n That Thursdays: Trolling Trump

From ABC News

Any Trump supporters out there may want to leave now, because today's post is all about the many Trump trolling images that have been making the rounds recently.  Much as I try to avoid political commentary here, some of the images popping up lately are just too darn funny to ignore.  I will try to keep things humorous and polite, but be forewarned that if you detest any sort of political posts then this one may not appeal to you.

I am sure most people are aware of the "Trump baby" blimp shown above that floated over London last week, but what are the future plans for this oversized balloon (aside from an upcoming US tour)?  How about the following idea:

"Space baby, space baby, give me your phone, give me something
that I can remember..."
 (with apologies to the original artists and their song Beach Baby!).
Image from Political Hotwire.

My own idea would be to fly the blimp only in appropriate years:

Top image from Wikipedia; bottom image from Metro.

While the Trump baby blimp is one of the most recent Trump trolling images to make the rounds (including various iterations), the first one that caught my eye and made me start really paying attention was the cartoon shown below that appeared for the Fourth of July.  It is pretty self-explanatory:

From Mystery Fanfare

You may have heard that Trump is not happy with the physical appearance of Air Force One, and would like to change the paint job.  Trollers were more than happy to offer suggestions, including this one:

From Twitter

The summit between Trump and Kim Jong Un generated quite a few amusing memes - here is just one:


I have been toying with the idea of learning how to overlay images, and the handshake between Trump and Kim gave me just the motivation I needed.  I call this result "The Double Hitchcock: Doppelgängers Meet Face to Face":

Background image from Bored Potato; overlay from Vampyre Fangs.

Even I was amazed at how well the Hitchcock outline matched up with Kim's profile - he makes Trump look downright svelte by comparison!

From Political Punchline

The latest in Trump trolling involves his recent trip to Europe, culminating in the burgeoning bromance at the summit between Trump and Vladimir Putin.  Trump was roundly criticized for his overly appeasing attitude toward Putin.

"Someone looks like he needs a great big kiss!"
Left image from The Times; right image from Gawker.

However, our president has been known to turn on even his closest confidantes at the slightest provocation, so there is still a chance that Trump's hero worship of Putin may fizzle out.  There are those who worry that Trump does not seem to have a derogatory nickname for Putin:

From The Political Punchline

But rest assured that there is no need to worry, because Vlad's surname is the perfect unflattering nickname already.  In fact, I have a little ditty all ready that Trump is welcome to use should he ever feel the need to go on a Twitter rant against his current comrade:

From Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

"Bread, bread, the musical gluten,
The more Vlad eats, the more he's 'Putin'!"

(I thought about coming up with a witty take on Putin's first name and the nickname "Vlad the Impaler", but this option seemed too rife with vulgar connotations, and I do like to keep things clean here on my blog.)

Okay, my political humor rampage is over for now.  I feel that I can finally move on and return to regularly scheduled blog posts again.  Oh, except for one more meme (play the YouTube song link while watching this GIF image - they coordinate perfectly!):

"Trumpelina, Trumpelina, tiny little thing,
Trumpelina dance, Trumpelina sing.
Trumpelina, what's the difference if you're very small?
When your soul belongs to Vlad you're his rag doll!"
(with apologies to Frank Loesser, who wrote the "Thumbelina" song).
Putin plays with his Trump baby puppet (GIF image from Tenor).

"I think the next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it."

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