March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Current Events: Composing a Love Letter

Sitting down to compose The Letter(from ABC News).

Dear Putie Tang 😘,

Mere words cannot describe how great it was to finally have some alone time with you!  I am eagerly and impatiently counting the days until we can meet again.  It would have been even better if I had not had to meet with those nasty NATO leaders first - I wish you could have been there with me 😞.

Thanks to the obnoxious FAKE NEWS MEDIA😠, we might want to be a little more careful next time, but please do not forget me.  I know you see other leaders (I cannot understand why you are cozying up to Merkel, and believe me when I say that Kim is not to be trusted), but I am your favorite, right?  I hope that you will give me another opportunity soon to prove that I deserve to be your NUMBER ONE FAN.  Call me!!! 🇺🇸📱🇺🇸

Affectionately 😍,
Your Always and Forever Adoring T(reason for living)rump-Pet


Ready to mail The Letter(from CNN).

Sorry, I just could not resist another humorous political blog post - when it comes to relevant material, Trump is truly the ultimate gift that keeps on giving.  But hey, at least after the Helsinki summit our president seems to have matured - he has progressed from petulant infant to lovesick teenager practically overnight (although I am sure regression is still an option).  Stay tuned for more updates, if you dare!

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