March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

This 'n That Thursdays: I Love Lists!

From Gruntled Employees

I have mentioned in a past post that I love online quizzes, but now I have another confession to make - I love online lists!  I especially like the ones that tell you what to choose based on your personality traits.  I don't always agree with them, but I do enjoy reading about what I am supposed to like and deciding if the list is correct in my case.  Below are four lists that you too may find interesting if you are a list-lover like me:

1) Best Workouts for You Based on Your Personality - find out the best type of exercise for you if you are easily bored, a Type A, analytical, an over thinker, introverted, or an extrovert.  I think the best fit for me would be the solo introvert option, since I do tend to be self-motivated and not especially interested in belonging to a gym.

2) How to Know (and Shop for) Your Fashion Personality - four main style personalities are listed (expressive, romantic, classic, and relaxed), as well as the types of preferred apparel and even a number of best sources for each style of clothing.  No doubt about it, the relaxed style personality describes me perfectly!

From Homesthetics

3) What Interior Style Best Suits Your Personality - ten personalities are described in four words, and one particular design style is ascribed to each personality.  For this list, it is possible to have more than one design personality, and in fact you are told that this is normal, so I was not surprised to find my own characteristics in four different categories.  I am modern, contemporary, Scandinavian, and minimal when it comes to interior design, a look that I think is exemplified in the image above.

Elizabeth Taylor as Katherina in The Taming of the Shrew (1967)
(from Margaret Perry).

4) 8 Shakespeare Plays You Need to Read, Based on Your Favorite Movie - this is certainly one of the most unique lists that I found!  Eight different movies are linked to eight different Shakespeare plays, and you choose the play you would enjoy most based upon which of these movies is your favorite.  I now have another confession to make - I have never been a fan of most playwrights, and Shakespeare in particular.  I find his plays to be dated and out of touch with our modern times.  However, I have to admit that, if I must choose one, it would probably be The Taming of the Shrew, despite the rather annoyingly condescending attitude concerning women, just because it is funny and Katherina does have her moments before she is forced to acquiesce to convention.  I did like the associated movie Moonstruck (1987), but of the movies on the list I would have to say my favorite is the comedy Practical Magic (1998), and I know I find the associated tragedy MacBeth to be a depressing play, so I do not think this list really worked for me.


Check out these lists if you have a little spare time, and see how well they work for you!

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