March 28th is National Weed Appreciation Day!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

This 'n That Thursdays: AAS 2017 Vegetable Plant Picks of the Year

A lovely vegetable garden (from Fafard).

Last week I described the All America Selections 2017 flowering plant picks of the year, so this week it is time to talk about vegetables.  I have already put a few seeds in the ground, but will wait a bit longer before buying seedlings, just in case our Georgia climate has one more nasty spell waiting to spring upon us!  If I am lucky I may be able to find some of the AAS selections to try.  Let's take a look at the options:

1) Pole Bean 'Seychelles' - vigorous, high-yielding vines with flavorful, long, straight, stringless pods; can be grown in pots.

2) Fennel 'Antares F1' - a beautiful, slow-bolting plant with uniform, pure white, licorice-flavored  bulbs; a favorite with pollinators and swallowtail butterfly caterpillars.

3) Okra 'Candle Fire F1' - the rounded ruby-red pods are reason enough to grow this high-yielding, heat- and drought-resistant okra, whether as an ornamental or an edible!

4) Watermelon 'Gold in Gold F1' - this disease-resistant melon with a strong rind has a gold-striped yellow shell and orange-gold flesh, plus superior flavor as well.

5) Watermelon 'Mini Love F1' - perfect for smaller families and/or limited space, this little melon has short vines, a thin but strong rind, and sweet, deep-red flesh.

6) Pepper 'Aji Rico F1' - this hybrid hot pepper matures early and produces lots of thin-walled, crunchy, narrow, conical fruit with a refreshing citrus flavor and warm heat level.

7) Pepper 'Chili Pie F1' - a miniature bell pepper which is mildly hot when the fruits turn red.  It grows well in containers and can set fruit even in hot and humid conditions.

8) Pepper 'Mad Hatter F1' - this exotic pepper has unique shape and and a sweet, citrusy, floral taste only occasionally mildly hot near the seeds.  The plant, a variety of the South American Capsicum baccatum species, is large, vigorous, and high-yielding.

9) Tomato 'Midnight Snack F1' - an indigo-type cherry tomato that ripens to red with a glossy purplish-black overlay!  The unusual color is due to an abundance of pigments from anthocyanin, a healthy antioxidant.  The high-yielding plant grows as an indeterminate vine and should be staked.

10) Tomato 'Patio Choice Yellow F1' - a short, bushy, compact plant with mild-flavored, bright yellow cherry tomatoes, perfect for container gardening.


Just looking at these luscious photos has me longing for summer produce.  I have a few more 2017 plant pick finds to share in the near future, although I will try to diversify and not overwhelm everyone with plants every week.  Meanwhile, happy gardening as the weather permits!

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