March 28th is National Weed Appreciation Day!

Monday, April 3, 2017

On the Homefront: A Gorgeous Spring Day

I have no idea what Maddie is staring at, but it was not enough to
rouse Ruby from her sun-warmed stupor!

We are in for some threatening storms off and on this week, as well as a brief return to cooler weather, but yesterday was a perfectly beautiful spring day and some of us took full advantage of the fact!  One likes to roll in warm dried leaves:

And one just likes to make funny faces in the sunshine:

The birds have been busy this spring, with one even building a nest in a potted vine on our deck:

I am pretty sure it is a cardinal nest, even though I have not yet seen the bird laying the eggs:

It occurred to me that I have never posted photos of our brand new deck.  We replaced the old deck last fall after a scary incident with the railing (please ignore all of the junk under the deck, and the fact that somehow our silly Maddie kept ending up in the pictures):

It looks so much nicer, and is certainly a lot safer!  Now that the wood has had a chance to cure, we will have it sealed this year.  We removed the confederate jasmine that caused all of the damage to the old deck, so now I have to decide what, if anything, to plant in its place.  I am thinking about shrubs of some sort, possibly more azaleas if they can tolerate the dry slope, or something else if not.

And the perfect ending to a perfectly lovely day was the start of the new season of my favorite television show, "Call the Midwife", last night.  I hope you had a lovely weekend as well, but if not, hopefully spring has some delightful surprise for you soon!

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