March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

This 'n That Thursdays: Colorful Santa Fe Shopping at Camino Real

Driving from our hotel to the downtown plaza in Santa Fe, my husband and I passed several storefronts displaying colorful Mexican pottery so bright and cheerful we just had to stop and take photos.  We pulled into the parking lot of Camino Real, a huge warehouse of a store filled with just about everything you could imagine for the home, both indoors and out.  According to their business card, this includes "SW furniture, genuine Indian rugs, glassware, Talavera, tin mirrors, pottery, suns, custom furniture, and much, much more...", even clothing, jewelry, and food items.  Most of the goods are imported from Mexico, but the custom furniture is made locally.  There is no way I can even begin to describe the multitudes of products sold, but here is some of the color outside:

And here is some of the color inside:

Pottery and dishes

More dishes



Table runners

That brightly colored fish table runner is now mine (they were having a half price sale, so how could I resist?).  It currently resides in our entry hall:

The runner fits right in as if it has always been there, so obviously this was meant to be!

If you love color and you ever get the chance to visit Santa Fe, be sure to stop at Camino Real for a real color fix.  And I have a feeling something will be coming home with you, just as it did with us!

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