March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Thursday, December 17, 2020

This 'n That Thursdays: YouTube Simple Living Christmas Vlogs


It should be obvious by now that I have been obsessed with simple lifestyle vlogs on YouTube since the pandemic began.  In previous posts I have already described quite a few that I enjoy which to me exemplify a cottagecore aesthetic.  Lately I have been looking at vlogs that feature a hygge lifestyle.  Hygge is a Scandinavian concept of cozy living, particularly during the long, cold, and dark months of the year.  The winter holiday season is an especially appropriate time of year for celebrating all things cozy, so today I will post Christmas-themed episodes from YouTube vlogs, some of them more hygge and some more cottagecore, but all of them with a simple living theme.  The video above is a great one to use as a background on your computer screen when it is not in use - just a relaxing scene of a crackling fireplace and a plate of Christmas cookies served with a hot beverage, from a vlog called Apronful of Stones.

1) Apronful of Stones - a vlogger from the United Kingdom living a simple, slower, and more traditional lifestyle; here is her recipe for the gingerbread men shown in the video at the top of the page:

2) Ana's Happy Days - a Spanish woman living a slow and cozy life in Norway; here is her favorite Christmas cookie recipe:

3) Tanuko - a young Japanese woman embracing a hygge lifestyle in Sweden; in this vlog post she decorates for Christmas and prepares a saffron cake (recipe included but in Japanese):

4) Hygge Living - a Malaysian couple living their own version of a hygge lifestyle in Denmark; here they prepare for Christmas by making traditional Scandinavian heart ornaments:

5) Withjinnie - a simple happiness silent vlog from a Korean housewife; in this vlog post she sets up a simple tabletop tree and prepares sweet potato latte (I am going to have to try that recipe, which can be found here):

6) Nekoniwa - a Japanese family living in the rural United States and embracing a simple country lifestyle; here we watch their new Christmas puppy get acquainted with the family cats and chickens, and once again see the preparation of a hot beverage and Christmas cookies (I am really sensing a theme here!):

7) Choki - a young single Japanese woman living alone with her two cats and preparing delicious food; in this vlog she attempts to put up a few Christmas decorations out of the reach of her cats, and makes the simplest cookie recipe ever:

8) M Vlogs - a young American couple, who I think are currently in the Middle East, living a healthy, simple, cozy, hygge-inspired lifestyle; once again Christmas preparations include the baking of cookies, a simple recipe which is not included because it is made using a gingerbread cake mix (similar recipe here):

9) Benita Larsson - a Swedish woman who embraces a very minimalist lifestyle; here she shares her minimalist Christmas décor with a focus on Swedish traditions (I aspire to but will probably never be able to fully succeed in achieving such a lifestyle - we have too much stuff and have a hard time deciding what stays and what goes, although we are trying our best during the pandemic as we downsize for retirement life here in New Mexico):


These vlogs are pretty short and I like to watch them when I take brief breaks between chores during the day.  I really enjoy seeing the daily routines of other people who live the same sort of average life I do, as well as finding out how they celebrate the holidays.  Due to COVID-19 I will not be visiting the homes of others in person, so it is nice to be able to do so virtually.  I hope you are enjoying your own preparations for the holidays!

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