March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Thursday, December 10, 2020

This 'n That Thursdays: Pantone Colors of the Year for 2021

Pantone has just announced its colors for the year 2021 (yes, they have once again decided that a pair of colors are needed next year rather than just one).   Shown above are Illuminating, a bright, cheerful sunshine yellow, and Ultimate Gray, in my opinion a rather dull, somber neutral shade (but I have never been a big fan of the color gray so I may be biased).  I find this a rather baffling color combination, since yellow is such an optimistic color while gray is pretty much the opposite, but I suppose this confusion of colors accurately sums up how the world is feeling at the moment - weary of the events of 2020, but daring to hope that the new year will be a happier improvement.  And honestly, these two colors do work well together in terms of balancing each other out, so perhaps they are an indication that 2021 will at least be a much more balanced year than 2020.  We can only hope!

In the mean time, let's take a look at a few images combining these two hues:

From Sight Unseen

From Flickr

From Flickr

From Pinterest

From Decoist

From Decoist

From Americheer Inc.

From Sortashion

🌑🌝🌑🌝🌑🌝🌑🌝 🌑🌝🌑🌝🌑🌝🌑🌝🌑🌝🌑🌝🌑🌝🌑🌝

Actually, now that I see this juxtaposition of colors in both nature and fashion, the pairing is starting to appeal to me.  The two colors together seem to be sending the message to "Be realistic, but stay optimistic!", and that is a perfect sentiment for the upcoming year.  We are certainly in for some bleak days ahead at the start of the new year, but there is a definite glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel and we have every reason to hope that the year will end on a bright note.  Stay safe, everyone, and keep looking forward to better days in the new year!

From WallsHeaven

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