December 21st is the Winter Solstice!

Thursday, February 6, 2020

This 'n That Thursdays: Visit a Haunted House for Valentine's Day!

I'll bet you didn't see this one coming!  There are an impressive number of reputedly haunted houses opening their creaky old doors just for Valentine's Day - you can check out the list by state here.  While there are no options available in New Mexico, if I were going to be back in Georgia for the holiday we would have three locations to consider, including the Folklore Haunted House,

Lake Joy Trails of Terror,

and Netherworld Haunted House.

While this is not the sort of Valentine's Day activity I would be inclined to select when celebrating with my husband (he would so not be interested!), since I will be separated from my sweetie for the holiday this year, I might be inclined to get to know a ghost or two as an alternative way to spend the day.  Unfortunately, the haunted house closest to me is probably the 13th Floor Haunted House in Denver, CO, and that is a little too far to travel just to make the acquaintance of an apparition!

I guess I will have to find some other way to have a "spooktacular" Valentine's Day on my own!

From Pinterest

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