March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Thursday, August 8, 2019

This 'n That Thursdays: Sensible Lifestyle Changes to Achieve a Healthy Weight

From Harvard Health Publishing

Like most people, I am always looking for tips on how to live a healthy lifestyle.  And like most people, I prefer these tips to be simple and easy to understand and follow.  The infographic from The Every Girl shown below provides some straightforward ideas, mostly about diet, that would not be difficult to incorporate into my daily routine (although 80 ounces of water a day might be pushing it for me - that's a lot of water!).  I follow some of these rules already, but I do need to keep reminding myself to consume a greater variety of fruits and vegetables, as I have a tendency to eat the same favorite few all of the time.  Is it time for you to start tweaking your healthy lifestyle rules as well?


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