March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

This 'n That Thursdays: New Food and Beverage Products I Am Loving Right Now


Every summer I seem to find new food and beverage products to try that are both tasty and relatively healthy.  Below is a list of the ones I discovered this year, and which are now regular inclusions in my weekly shopping cart:

From Mommyish

1) La Croix Cerise Limon Sparkling Water

I am obsessed with all the no-calorie flavored seltzer waters available right now, even though I am one of those people whose throats are irritated by carbonated beverages.  I will try any and every flavor (except blackberry cucumber, because EEEWWW!), but my favorite at the moment is La Croix Cerise Limon (Cherry Lime) Sparkling Water.  Seltzer water is so refreshing on a hot day, and the slight hint of flavor added to these zero-calorie, zero-sodium, zero-carbohydrate beverages adds just enough interest to keep me buying more!

From Bustle

2) Chobani Nut Butter Yogurts

As someone who must stay on a low-carbohydrate diet, I end up eating a lot of nut-based foods.  Fortunately, I love nuts!  Recently Chobani introduced a line of nut butter yogurts which are relatively low in carbohydrates, cholesterol, and sodium.  They are also quite tasty, and a healthier alternative to sugary fruit-flavored yogurts.  They have now become a regular addition to my diet, either plain or with an added handful of blueberries.

From Instacart

3) Chobani Madagascar Vanilla & Cinnamon Less Sugar Greek Yogurt

I like to buy vanilla yogurt in the 24-ounce size rather than as individual servings, and the best that I have found in terms of flavor as well as nutrition is Chobani Madagascar & Cinnamon Less Sugar Greek Yogurt.  It is so good you cannot even tell that it is low in sugar, and this flavor is the absolute best served my favorite way with a handful of blueberries.  It is so popular that our local Publix has trouble keeping it in stock, so do give it a try if you can find it in your own supermarket!

From BrickSeek

4) Almond Breeze Unsweetened Original Almondmilk Creamer

My cholesterol has recently started to creep up as I get older, so I am always looking for ways to reduce my consumption of products with too much saturated fat.  I love to drink my morning tea with half 'n half, but recently discovered Almond Breeze Unsweetened Original Almondmilk Creamer, which is just as delicious in tea but has no saturated fat.  At just 10 calories and one gram of fat per tablespoon, I can enjoy this creamer every morning without worrying about adding saturated fat to my diet.

From Califia Farms

5) Califia Farms Unsweetened Creamer

Another excellent alternative to half 'n half is Califia Farms Unsweetened Creamer, but only if you like the flavor of coconut.  This nondairy, low-sugar creamer has just a smidgen of saturated fat, but its rich and creamy flavor is just as satisfying as real half 'n half.  Save this creamer for unflavored hot beverages, as the coconut taste will overwhelm any added flavorings.

From Instacart

6) Pure Blends Avocado Oil Plant-Based Butter

I love butter, despite all of its saturated fat.  I usually stick to a butter and canola oil blend as a bread spread, but lately have decided that, with my cholesterol level beginning to rise, I need to eliminate even this source of saturated fat from my life so that I can still eat cheese, which is one food that I would have a very hard time giving up.  This year I discovered Pure Blends Avocado Oil Plant-Based Butter and decided to give it a try.  While butter substitutes will never be as satisfying as the real thing, this spread is not bad, although it does include a couple of ingredients (palm and palm kernel oils, monoglycerides) that are not nutritionally ideal.  I am just starting to explore the world of butter substitute spreads, so I may find one I like more, but for now I am switching to this avocado-oil spread.


Have you found any new food or beverage products lately that you cannot live without now?

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