March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Thursday, June 27, 2019

This 'n That Thursdays: Should You Let Your Dog(s) Sleep on Your Bed?

From AKC

Do you let your canine companion(s) sleep on your bed with you?  If so, you are certainly not alone.  A recent study of almost 1,000 women found that 55% sleep with at least one dog in their beds (for comparison, 57% share their sleeping space with another human!).  As to whether this habit is healthy, check out the infographic from an article on the Casper website shown below:

Reasons to sleep with your dog
Read the Casper article for a more in-depth discussion of these benefits.  Of course, not everyone agrees that allowing a pet on your bed at night is a good idea.  Ultimately, it is up to the pet owner to decide what works for their own lifestyle.  In our house, both of our dogs get to decide where they prefer to sleep - sometimes they like to be on the bed, but sometimes they would rather sleep somewhere else, and not necessarily even in the same room.  They do not like to be on the bed at the same time so we never have more than one dog sharing our space, and that works out well for us!

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