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Thursday, June 20, 2019

This 'n That Thursdays: Are You on Board with These Surprising Opinions about Food?


I recently read a list of thirteen rather unexpected opinions about food contributed by Food Network staffers that had me nodding in agreement in all but two cases.  These views are probably not popular with most people, but many of the grievances expressed have been my own personal pet peeves for quite a while.  Check out the Food Network list for yourself, as summarized by me below, and see if you find yourself in accord with any of the opinions:

From Quotabulary

1) Chocolate desserts are overrated, and vanilla options are almost always better.

I have been saying this for decades.  While I do like some chocolate desserts (like brownies), don't mind chocolate bits added to a dessert (like chocolate chip cookies), and would not say no to a good chocolate bar, for the most part I prefer vanilla, cinnamon, peanut butter, or citrus-flavored sweets when it comes to cakes, pies, cookies, ice cream, pudding, etc.

From ThriftyFun

2) Stale snack foods are actually a good thing.

This is one of two opinions on this list that I do not agree with.  However, I would put unsweetened flavored carbonated beverages that have lost their fizz in this category instead (I know it's weird, but carbonation hurts my throat).

From District Dispatch

3) I cannot stand coffee!

Yes, yes, yes!  Although I admit that the smell of coffee can be pleasant, I have never liked the taste, and the caffeine buzz is just too much for me - I prefer a nice cup of tea instead.

From Backyard Burgers

4) Salads are my favorite meals.

While salads are not my most favorite meal, they are one of my top choices when the weather is not.

From Rachael Ray Every Day

5) Stop topping desserts with sea salt!

I have never understood the appeal of this trend.  I do realize that a bit of salt added to the batter will enhance the sweet flavor of baked goods.  However, on the now rare occasions when I indulge in a sweet treat, I want to taste the sweetness, unadulterated by large salt crystals sprinkled on the top!

From Novenyi Etrend Webshop

6) Rice pudding is one of the best desserts ever.

It is not my absolute favorite dessert, but I do love a good rice pudding - just do not add raisins please!

From Business Insider

7) I absolutely love mayonnaise!

Although I have recently switched to Vegenaise to reduce the amount of saturated fat in my diet, I still love that cold and creamy smoothness with the slight tang that mayonnaise brings to a dish.

From Broadway Bagels

8) Canned tuna is just awful, and egg salad is not any better.

This is the other one of two opinions I do not agree with.  I actually prefer canned tuna to fresh, especially when the latter is raw in the middle.  And I adore egg salad.

From Blaine's Farm & Fleet

9) DOTS are one of the best candies ever.

I don't mind them, and I love the name because I once had a Dalmatian named Dot, but they are not a favorite.  However, my husband loves them.

From Twitter

10) I eat SpaghettiOs straight out of the can.

I no longer do this, and have not had SpaghettiOs in ages, but I am still fond of them and would not hate eating them this way.

From Target

11) I prefer bouillon cubes to fresh or boxed/canned stock.

I would never go through the bother of making my own stock for the same reasons mentioned by this Food Network staffer (too much trouble saving and storing enough bones, and then storing the resulting vat of stock).  However, I only use the unsalted variety in a box and am not sure I could find unsalted bouillon cubes, because after all aren't they mostly salt?

From Cici's

12) Just say no to pepperoni on pizza!

My feelings exactly.  I detest pepperoni, and would pick the pieces off if given a slice of pizza topped with them.

From Thrillist

13) The Rainbow Unicorn trend must go (and the Red Velvet craze as well).

Actually, I would argue that this might be the more popular opinion now, at least as far as the rainbow unicorn trend is concerned!  I do not like the idea of artificial food dyes, so I was never a fan of food dye-filled, rainbow-colored edibles (I do not find the kaleidoscope of colors to be very appetizing).  And when I found out how much red dye goes into red velvet cake batter I lost interest in red velvet desserts.  It would not make me unhappy to see both of these fads end (the grilled cheese sandwich at the top of the page does not even look like food, but I have to admit that the cake shown below sure does look delicious!).

From Southern Living

Did you find yourself concurring with any of these opinions, or do you think that those of us who do agree are peculiar?  If the latter, then just call me weird, because I stand by my support for the majority of the items on the list!

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