March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

This 'n That Thursdays: Baby Animals Enjoying Spring!

From Ask Ideas

I just realized the other day that I often post images of autumn and winter scenes, but never seem to focus on spring or summer.  Even though I am not a fan of warmer weather, I have nothing against either season, so today I present a post of baby animals enjoying spring - just be forewarned that the cuteness factor may be overwhelming!

A frisky foal frolicking in a flowery field.
(from Redbubble)

A duckling duo sitting amongst spring snowdrops.
(from Cheezburger)

A cavorting kid clearing a cluster of wildflowers.
(from NPR)
Red fox cubs resting in a Ranunculus patch.
(from AllfinWeb)

A fragile fawn in a field of blue flax.
(from AllPosters)

A curious raccoon kit checking out a colorful fox and cubs flower.
(from Shareably)

A lovely little lamb delighting in daffodils.
(from We Heart It)

A tiny bear cub stopping to sniff the daisies.
(from Wide Open Spaces)

A diminutive donkey foal finds irises fascinating.
(from We Heart It)

Last but not least, this rescue dog, while no longer a puppy, takes time to relish the fact that he can still luxuriate in the joys of a beautiful spring day (a lesson to us all, I think):

Every dog deserves to have its day in the warmth of spring sunshine!
(from Reddit)

(I did warn you that you were in danger of cuteness overload!) 😊😊

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